Danielle Cosimo
Ola! Meu nome Danielle e eu posso fazer as tradues dos seus documentos pessoais e academicos com a certifica ATA, alm de tradues de pesquisa cientfica. Sou uma de poucos tradutores certificadas morando no Brasil. Posso receber pagamento tanto em conta americana ou PayPal quanto em uma conta brasileira (ento quem mora no Brasil pode evitar taxas de PayPal e de transferencias internacionais!). No trabalho com WhatsApp, mas eu respondo aos emails rapidamente ou posso receber SMS para meu celular americano: (442) 500-4940. Obrigada por me considerar!
Hello! My name is Danielle and I am an ATA-certified translator in Portuguese-English. I specialize in the translation of personal identification documents and academic records, as well as in the translation of academic research. I am one of only a few ATA-certified Portuguese-English translators living in Brazil. I can receive payments in either my Brazilian bank account or my American bank account (including PayPal). I no longer work with WhatsApp, but I reply to emails quickly and I can receive text messages at my American cell phone number: (442) 500-4940. Thank you for considering me!
Language Pairs
Translating Services
Translating Tools
Areas of Specialization
Years in Business
6 - 10 Years
Education Level