Richard Cadena
26 years staff & free-lance translator with big 4 (AA, PwC, KPMG) & other accounting firms (Grant Thornton International, RSM, AGN, Crowe Horwath, etc), Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, Mexican banks Banobras, Bancomer, etc.), brokerage firms, law firms, Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Control Projects, US Treasury Dept. Money Laundering Prevention Projects outsourced via Metrica, Inc., etc. SDL-Trados Studio 2009, Translation courses taken at CESLAA: 3 taught by Thomas West and 1 taught by Javier Becerra. Terminology course taken at El Colegio de Mexico. Specialist in Spanish to English translation of all types of financial documents. I have also written a bilingual Spanish to English & English to Spanish dictionary of Accounting, Finance, and Tax terminology with 6,100 terms, which was published jointly by the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A.C. and Ediciones Ecoe LTDA of Bogotá, Colombia, and released the first week of February 2013. The title is "Diccionario de Terminología Contable y Financiera Especializada / Spanish - English & Inglés - Español" my name as the author is listed as Prof. Richard J. Cadena. It is available through InTrans Book Service (Mr. Freek Lankhoff).
Language Pairs
Translating Services
Translating Tools
Areas of Specialization
ATA Divisions
Primary Phone
Mexico City
Years in Business
20+ Years
Education Level