From the Executive Director
Walter Bacak, CAE
We did it! Thanks to the more than 1,500 participants, presenters, and volunteers who made ATA’s 61st Annual Conference a reality.
Of particular note and thanks, ATA President-Elect and Conference Organizer Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo put in hundreds of hours in shaping the conference—from selecting sessions to finding volunteers to managing egos. (Anytime you have this many people, in addition to the anxieties of the current times, diplomacy and people skills are paramount.) ATA President Ted Wozniak also led us through the challenges of moving from an in-person event to a fully virtual format, offering his insights based on his two years of overseeing the Annual Conference.
I would also like to thank the hardworking, devoted ATA Headquarters staff—Roshan Pokharel, Mary David, Adrian Aleckna, Caron Bailey, Trish Boward, Teresa Kelly, Kirk Lawson, Jamie Padula, Jeff Sanfacon, and Cathy Taguding. They did a tremendous job in transitioning to a fully virtual conference in just three months and making it all happen.
Surveys: The Annual Conference is built on the successes and lessons learned from previous years. The key driver for any change is the feedback we receive from attendees. Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the Overall Conference Survey. Your comments and suggestions will definitely be helpful as we plan for ATA62!
Session Recordings: If you attended the conference, be sure to go back to the conference portal and listen to any sessions you may have missed. The recordings will be online for at least six months. If you didn’t attend the conference, recordings of the educational sessions and Advanced Skills and Training Day sessions will be available for sale. Watch ATA Newsbriefs for more information.
Looking Ahead to ATA62: For the planners, mark your calendar. ATA62 is set for October 27–30, 2021 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Although we’re planning to meet in person, we’ll definitely have a virtual component as well.
Election Results
Congratulations to Lorena Ortiz Schneider, Robert Sette, and Veronika Demichelis, who were elected directors for a three-year term. We had a record number of voters—almost 30% higher than we typically see. Thanks to all the candidates who were willing to run and serve the Association. Here are the results:
Director (three positions for three-year terms)
Lorena Ortiz Schneider: 346 (Elected)
Robert Sette: 337 (Elected)
Veronika Demichelis: 326 (Elected)
Robin Bonthrone: 307
Manako Ihaya: 300
Elena Langdon: 300
Antonio Guerra: 221
Twelve write-in candidates received a total of 18 votes.
Proposed Bylaws Amendments
1. Proposed Bylaws Amendment—Rights and Privileges: Motion Failed
2. Proposed Bylaws Amendment—Multiple Candidates: Motion Passed
The complete election report is available at www.atanet.org/governance/election2020.php.
Be Sure to Renew Your Membership
Thank you for being an ATA member. Continue to receive the benefits you enjoy, plus stay tuned for a lot of exciting plans for 2021 with a new website, expanded professional development opportunities, and more. Watch your inbox and mailbox for more information. We look forward to serving you in 2021.