ATA's flagship publication since 1972
The ATA Chronicle is the official publication of the American Translators Association. Published six times per year, each issue offers resources and practical solutions to challenges facing translators and interpreters, as well as member news and announcements.
As the April 1st beginning of the certification exam year draws near, it’s a good time to look at the progress we’ve made in improving accessibility to the exam. To…
Terminology management is the process of identifying, storing, and managing customer, company, or product-specific terminology that needs to be translated in a definitive way. Simply put, it’s the process of…
ATA Members-Only Content This content is an exclusive benefit for ATA members. If you are a current ATA member, log in for immediate access. Log In Not a Member?…
When Aída Carrazco, the 2022 ATA School Outreach Contest winner, gave her presentation to her son’s fifth grade class in March 2022, kids were just going back to school after 16 months of studying from home. That meant she faced a unique challenge: students weren’t used to being in the classroom. Aída was determined to make sure she kept their attention by making her presentation extra fun!
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