Mr. Birhanu Sime

Mr. Birhanu Sime


I am a native Amharic and Oromo freelance translator based in Ethiopia, with over seven years of experience providing high-quality translation, proofreading, subtitling, MT post-editing, localization, and transcription services. I specialize in Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromo, and English language combinations and am dedicated to delivering precise and reliable results.

Language Pairs

- English
- Amharic
- Oromo
- Tigrinya
- English
- English

Translating Services

AbstractingDesktop PublishingDubbing/SubtitlingEditingLocalizationPost-EditingProofreadingTranscreationTranslating

Translating Tools

Bing TranslatorCafeTranDeepLGoogle Translator ToolkitIBM Translation ManagerIdiom World ServerLanguage Technology CentreLingvoLogiTermMatecatMemoQMemSourceMetatexisMultiCorporaMultilexMultiTranORCAPersonal Translator Pro 2006PhraseSDLSDL StudioSDLXSmartCATSmartlingSTARSwordfishText Translation Tool (TTT)Text UnitedTRADOSTransit XVTransit/TermStarTranslation 2 ParalinkTranswhiz EC ProWebBudgetWord MagicWordbeeWordFastWordReference.comWorldLingoXTM

Areas of Specialization

Arts And Humanities - ArchitectureArts And Humanities - ArtArts And Humanities - Arts and Humanities (General)Arts And Humanities - BibliographyArts And Humanities - BiographyArts And Humanities - GeneralArts And Humanities - JournalismArts And Humanities - LinguisticsArts And Humanities - LiteratureArts And Humanities - Literature-children'sArts And Humanities - Literature-poetryArts And Humanities - Literature-theory & criticismArts And Humanities - PhilosophyArts And Humanities - ReligionBusiness - Accounting & auditingBusiness - Advertising & public relationsBusiness - BankingBusiness - Business (General)Business - Economics & financeBusiness - GeneralBusiness - Human ResourcesBusiness - InsuranceBusiness - Labor RelationsBusiness - MarketingBusiness - Printing & publishingBusiness - Real estateBusiness - Shipping & maritimeBusiness - Stock marketComputers - Computer hardwareComputers - Computer systems analysisComputers - Computers (General)Computers - GeneralComputers - Software localizationEngineering - Civil & hydraulic engineeringEngineering - Electrical engineeringEngineering - Engineering (General)Engineering - Industrial engineeringEntertainment - Entertainment (General)Entertainment - FilmEntertainment - Industry & Technology (General)Entertainment - MusicEntertainment - Television & radioIndustry & Technology - AgricultureIndustry & Technology - Automotive industryIndustry & Technology - Building & constructionIndustry & Technology - CosmeticsIndustry & Technology - ElectronicsIndustry & Technology - EnergyIndustry & Technology - Glass & ceramicsIndustry & Technology - Industry & Technology (General)Industry & Technology - Machinery & toolsIndustry & Technology - Military & weaponsIndustry & Technology - Mining & mineralsIndustry & Technology - Paper & pulpIndustry & Technology - Petroleum, natural gas, & coalIndustry & Technology - Plastics & rubberIndustry & Technology - TelecommunicationsIndustry & Technology - Textiles & fashionIndustry & Technology - TransportationLaw - Banking & financial lawLaw - ContractsLaw - Corporate lawLaw - Law (General)Law - Patents, trademarks, & copyrightsLaw - Personal injury lawLaw - Tax lawMedicine - Anatomy & physiologyMedicine - DentistryMedicine - GeneticsMedicine - Health careMedicine - ImmunologyMedicine - Instruments, medicalMedicine - Medicine (General)Medicine - Nontraditional medicineMedicine - NutritionMedicine - PharmaceuticalsMedicine - PsychiatryMedicine - RadiologyMedicine - Veterinary medicineNatural Sciences - BiochemistryNatural Sciences - BiologyNatural Sciences - Microbiology, bacteriology, & virologyNatural Sciences - Natural Sciences (General)Natural Sciences - Zoology & entomologyPure Sciences - ChemistryPure Sciences - Materials SciencePure Sciences - Mathematics & statisticsPure Sciences - Pure Sciences (General)

ATA Divisions

Audiovisual DivisionEducators DivisionGovernment DivisionInterpreters DivisionLanguage Technology DivisionLaw DivisionLiterary DivisionMedical DivisionNordic DivisionScience & Technology DivisionTranslation Company Division
Service Type(s)






Native Language(s)

Amharic, English, Oromo, Tigrinya

Years in Business

6 - 10 Years

Education Level

