Charlotte Schwennsen


I am an MA-qualified French to English translator working with businesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals since 2016 to help reach and resonate with their audiences.

My translation specializations include medical and healthcare documents: healthcare records, insurance forms, and clinical correspondence; reports on nonprofit health projects—business communications: reports, presentations, and tender documents—official personal and academic documents—and marketing communications: product and service brochures, labeling, descriptions, and user guides, particularly for consumer products; newsletters, press releases, and articles. In addition, I provide transcreation; revision and proofreading; and machine translation post-editing (MTPE).

My English-language proofreading, copyediting, and style editing specializations include
business and marketing communications, and academic writing in the social sciences and humanities, specifically linguistics and philosophy. I also provide transcript post-editing.

I hold a BA in Philosophy and French from Hampshire College, including one semester of study at Paris-Sorbonne University, and an MA in Translation and Linguistics (French) from the University of Westminster, focusing on technical and institutional translation, editing, written discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics.

Please contact me to discuss your translation or editing project.

Language Pairs

- English

Translating Services


Translating Tools

DeepLMemSourceSDLSDL StudioSmartCATTermiumTRADOSWordbeeXTM

Areas of Specialization

Arts And Humanities - ArtArts And Humanities - JournalismArts And Humanities - LinguisticsArts And Humanities - Literature-theory & criticismArts And Humanities - PhilosophyArts And Humanities - PhotographyBusiness - Advertising & public relationsBusiness - MarketingBusiness - Travel & tourismIndustry & Technology - CosmeticsMedicine - Health careNatural Sciences - Biology

ATA Divisions

French Language DivisionGerman Language Division
Service Type(s)





United States

Years in Business

11 - 15 Years

Education Level

