Igor Isaev


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–Ø —Ä–∞–±–æ—Ç–∞—é —Å –¥–æ–∫—É–º–µ–Ω—Ç–∞–º–∏ –Ω–∞ —Ä—É—Å—Å–∫–æ–º, —É–∫—Ä–∞–∏–Ω—Å–∫–æ–º, –±–µ–ª–æ—Ä—É—Å—Å–∫–æ–º, –∞–Ω–≥–ª–∏–π—Å–∫–æ–º –∏ —Ñ—Ä–∞–Ω—Ü—É–∑—Å–∫–æ–º —è–∑—ã–∫–∞—Ö, –∞ —Ç–∞–∫–∂–µ –Ω–∞ —è–∑—ã–∫–∞—Ö –¥—Ä—É–≥–∏—Ö —Å—Ç—Ä–∞–Ω –±—ã–≤—à–µ–≥–æ –°–°–°–†.
–ë–æ–ª–µ–µ 10 –ª–µ—Ç –æ–ø—ã—Ç–∞ –ø–µ—Ä–µ–≤–æ–¥–æ–≤ –Ω–∞ –∞–Ω–≥–ª–∏–π—Å–∫–æ–º, —Ä—É—Å—Å–∫–æ–º, —É–∫—Ä–∞–∏–Ω—Å–∫–æ–º, –±–µ–ª–æ—Ä—É—Å—Å–∫–æ–º –∏ —Ñ—Ä–∞–Ω—Ü—É–∑—Å–∫–æ–º.
TOEFL 116 –∏–∑ 120, IELTS 8-9 –∏–∑ 9, FCE, CAE, TEFaQ B2 (–ü—Ä–æ–¥–≤–∏–Ω—É—Ç—ã–π —É—Ä–æ–≤–µ–Ω—å).
–ò—Å–∫–ª—é—á–∏—Ç–µ–ª—å–Ω–æ–µ –≤–Ω–∏–º–∞–Ω–∏–µ –∫ –¥–µ—Ç–∞–ª—è–º.

–ù–∞–ø–∏—à–∏—Ç–µ –º–Ω–µ –Ω–∞ —ç–ª. –ø–æ—á—Ç—É igor@isaev.ca –∏–ª–∏ –ø–æ–∑–≤–æ–Ω–∏—Ç–µ –º–Ω–µ (647)-705-1443 –ø—Ä—è–º–æ —Å–µ–π—á–∞—Å!

Certified Professional Translator
Member of all associations of translators and interpreters of Canada

Overnight Results. Your translations can be ready tomorrow morning.
Starting from $40 per page. Long texts: from $12 per 100 words. Free shipping all across the USA and Canada.

Mention the promo code “ATA” for a 10% DISCOUNT!

I work with documents in English, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and other ex-USSR languages.
10+ Years of Translation Experience in English, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian.
TOEFL 116 out of max 120, IELTS 8-9 out of max 9, FCE, CAE, TEFaQ B2 (Advanced level).
Exceptional Attention to Details.

E-mail me at igor@isaev.ca or call me at (647)-705-1443 right now!

Language Pairs

- English
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- English
- French
- English
- French

Translating Services

AbstractingDesktop PublishingDubbing/SubtitlingEditingLocalizationPost-EditingProofreadingTranslating

Translating Tools

AcrossAlchemy CatalystAtril/Deja VuBabylonBeetextBing TranslatorCafeTranDeepLFelixFluencyFortisGeoWorkz Translation WorkspaceHeartsomeIBM Translation ManagerIdiom World ServerLanguage Technology CentreLexicool LingoLiltLingvoLogiTermLogoVistaLTRACMatecatMemoQMemSourceMetatexisMultiCorporaMultilexMultilizerMultiTranOmegaTORCAPassoloPersonal Translator Pro 2006PhraseSDLSDLXSmartCATSmartlingSTARSwordfishSystran7PremiumTerminotixTermiumTermSeekText Translation Tool (TTT)Text UnitedTRADOSTransit XVTransit/TermStarTranslation 2 ParalinkTranswhiz EC ProWebBudgetWord MagicWordbeeWordFastWorldLingoXTM

Areas of Specialization

Arts And Humanities - ArchitectureArts And Humanities - ArtArts And Humanities - BibliographyArts And Humanities - BiographyArts And Humanities - GastronomyArts And Humanities - JournalismArts And Humanities - LinguisticsArts And Humanities - LiteratureArts And Humanities - Literature-children'sArts And Humanities - Literature-fictionArts And Humanities - Literature-poetryArts And Humanities - Literature-theory & criticismArts And Humanities - PhilosophyArts And Humanities - PhotographyArts And Humanities - ReligionBusiness - Accounting & auditingBusiness - Advertising & public relationsBusiness - BankingBusiness - Economics & financeBusiness - Hotel managementBusiness - InsuranceBusiness - Labor RelationsBusiness - MarketingBusiness - Printing & publishingBusiness - Real estateBusiness - Shipping & maritimeBusiness - Stock marketBusiness - Travel & tourismComputers - Computer hardwareComputers - Computer systems analysisComputers - Software localizationEngineering - Aerospace engineeringEngineering - Chemical engineeringEngineering - Civil & hydraulic engineeringEngineering - Electrical engineeringEngineering - Industrial engineeringEngineering - Mechanical engineeringEngineering - Nuclear engineeringEngineering - Petroleum engineeringEntertainment - FilmEntertainment - MultimediaEntertainment - MusicEntertainment - SportsEntertainment - Television & radioEntertainment - TheaterEntertainment - Video gameIndustry & Technology - AgricultureIndustry & Technology - Aquaculture & fishingIndustry & Technology - Automotive industryIndustry & Technology - Building & constructionIndustry & Technology - CosmeticsIndustry & Technology - ElectronicsIndustry & Technology - EnergyIndustry & Technology - Glass & ceramicsIndustry & Technology - Machinery & toolsIndustry & Technology - Military & weaponsIndustry & Technology - Mining & mineralsIndustry & Technology - Paper & pulpIndustry & Technology - Petroleum, natural gas, & coalIndustry & Technology - Plastics & rubberIndustry & Technology - SteelmakingIndustry & Technology - TelecommunicationsIndustry & Technology - Textiles & fashionIndustry & Technology - TransportationLaw - Banking & financial lawLaw - ContractsLaw - Corporate lawLaw - Patents, trademarks, & copyrightsLaw - Personal injury lawLaw - Tax lawMedicine - Anatomy & physiologyMedicine - DentistryMedicine - GeneticsMedicine - Health careMedicine - ImmunologyMedicine - Instruments, medicalMedicine - Nontraditional medicineMedicine - NutritionMedicine - PharmaceuticalsMedicine - PsychiatryMedicine - RadiologyMedicine - ToxicologyMedicine - Veterinary medicineNatural Sciences - BiochemistryNatural Sciences - BiologyNatural Sciences - BotanyNatural Sciences - Ecology & environmental scienceNatural Sciences - ForestryNatural Sciences - GeologyNatural Sciences - GeophysicsNatural Sciences - Microbiology, bacteriology, & virologyNatural Sciences - OceanographyNatural Sciences - Zoology & entomologyPure Sciences - AstronomyPure Sciences - ChemistryPure Sciences - Materials SciencePure Sciences - Mathematics & statisticsPure Sciences - MetallurgyPure Sciences - Physical sciencesPure Sciences - Physics
Service Type(s)




Primary Phone

(416) 854-2420



L6A 3P5

Native Language(s)


Years in Business

1 - 5 years

Education Level

