Communiquer pour sauver des vies : une table ronde vitale et gratuite concernant les services linguistiques lors d’interventions d’urgence
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Quand : 27 février, 12h00 – 13h30 HNE | Événement virtuel Dans les moments critiques où…
Read MoreComunicación que salva vidas: una mesa redonda gratuita e imprescindible sobre los servicios lingüísticos de respuesta ante emergencias
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Cuándo: 27 de febrero, de 12:00 p. m. a 1:30 p. m. hora del este | Evento virtual En momentos…
Read MoreLifesaving Communication: A Free Vital Roundtable on Emergency Response Language Services
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt When: February 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST | Virtual Event In critical moments when…
Read MoreTruyền đạt về Cứu sinh: Buổi Tọa đàm Quan trọng Miễn phí về Dịch vụ Ngôn ngữ trong Ứng phó Khẩn cấp
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Thời gian: Ngày 27 tháng 2, 12:00 trưa – 1:30 chiều EST | Sự kiện Trực…
Read MoreATA Shares Resources for Those Affected by the LA Wildfires
Many ATA members, their families, friends, and communities have been impacted by the unprecedented, devastating, and ongoing catastrophe in the Los Angeles area. Our…
Read MoreATA to Host Free Virtual Event on Best Practices in Emergency Response Language Services
The American Translators Association (ATA) is proud to announce a groundbreaking virtual event, Best Practices in Emergency Response Language Services, set to take place…
Read MoreTranslation Associations Address use of Automated Translation Printers in Public Schools
The American Translators Association (ATA), together with the American Association of Translators and Interpreters in Education (AAITE) and the National Association of Educational Translators…
Read MoreATA Letter to New Mexico AOC
ATA & NAJIT Support New Mexico Court Interpreters in Their Efforts to Earn Fair Compensation ATA and NAJIT send letter to New Mexico Administrative…
Read MoreA Recap of Translators Film: An ATA Roundtable
The Realities of Child Interpreting and Ways Forward: A Recap of Translators Film: An ATA Roundtable Please note: The views and opinions expressed in…
Read MoreATA Supports Language Access Bill in New Jersey (S2459/A3837)
On January 3, 2024, two New Jersey State Assembly committees (Assembly State and Local Government Committee and Assembly Appropriations Committee) considered S2459/A3837, a bill…
Read MoreATA and NAJIT Issue Joint Letter of Support for Minnesota Court Interpreters
The American Translators Association (ATA) and the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) have issued a joint letter in support of court interpreters…
Read MoreLa ATA llevará a cabo una mesa redonda virtual en respuesta al cortometraje Traductores
30 de noviembre de 2023, 10:00 a. m. hora del este Un evento virtual gratuito, que tendrá lugar en el Mes de los Derechos…
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