
Elena Langdon

Email Chair


Laura Friend
Evelyn Yang Garland
Jamie Hartz
Judy Jenner
Meghan McCallum
Yolanda Secos
Heidi Cazes Sevilla


The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is appointed by the ATA Board of Directors to build a database of potential candidates and recruit a slate of qualified candidates to stand for election. Only individuals with Active membership status may hold ATA office or serve on the Board of Directors.

The Committee is asked to do the following:

  • identify and evaluate eligible ATA members with leadership experience and an interest in serving;
  • develop and propose a slate of candidates to the ATA Board of Directors; and
  • receive additional nominations within 30 calendar days after the publication of the slate, when accompanied by written acceptance of the nominee and a petition endorsed by the signatures of at least 60 voting members.