ChatLTD Digital Social

Join ATA's Language Technology Division for another informal online happy hour to discuss the latest in MT, Gen AI, and technology overall as it affects our professions.

Q4 Leadership Summit – October 30th

Members of ATA Division Leadership Councils, Division Officers, and ATA Chapter/Affiliate Boards are invited to attend this interactive quarterly leadership summit for volunteer leaders. This Leadership Summit Meeting will be…

ATA 65th Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon

Attend the ATA Annual Conference! Immerse yourself in an event tailored to your needs! Participate in specialized educational sessions, job recruitment events, and several networking opportunities crafted exclusively for professional…

Certification Exam: In-Person

Portland, Oregon Portland, OR, United States

Registration Deadline: The deadline to register for an in-person exam in Portland, Oregon is October 9, 2024. Prerequisite: You must be an ATA member to register for the ATA Certification…



Board of Directors Meeting

The ATA Board of Directors meets four times a year to establish policy, develop goals and objectives, and oversee ATA's finances. Get to know ATA’s Board of Directors. This Board of…


Board of Directors Meeting

The ATA Board of Directors meets four times a year to establish policy, develop goals and objectives, and oversee ATA's finances. Get to know ATA’s Board of Directors. This Board of…

ChatLTD Digital Social

Join ATA's Interpreters Division and Language Technology Division for a joint informal online happy hour to discuss the latest in technology as it affects specifically interpreters.

GLD Social Event and ATA65 Recap

Let’s get together for an ATA65 recap where we can share some of the special moments from this year’s ATA conference in Portland, OR — and get a glimpse of the activities and informative training sessions.

Navigating Information Security Challenges, Part 3

Are your current security measures truly protecting data? Explore essential security protocols to boost your online resilience. This final installment of the series on information security will equip you with…