Barie Shaqiri
My company is named:
Interpreter/Translator Services, Inc.
I speak 4 languages fluently.
Albanian(Toske & Gege) dialect
I was born in Macedonia. By birth I'm Albanian. I went to school in Macedonia. I had to learn three languages when I was still in 4th grade. My native language is Albanian. Macedonian was the official language for the territory of Macedonia and I had French in 5th grade. I finished my 6th grade in the U.S. I went back to Macedonia and resumed my 7th and 8th grade in Albanian and Macedonian and French as the foreign language. My 9th grade was only in the Macedonian language since there were no schools in Albanian in the city where I was born.I had to learn Latin and English while attending the High School.. My 10th, 11th and 12th grade were completed in the United States. After completing High School I went back to Macedonia and enrolled to a Law School in the Macedonian language. After completing my first year because of Political reasons the entire family moved to Kosovo. I got my Bachelor's Degree in the English Language and Literature.I taught English as a Foreign Language for 8 years in Kosovo.
I have worked on a huge project that had to do with pre -feasibility studies and their implementation in Switzerland regarding 31 factories that were to be built in Kosovo in 1989.This project was about 170 pages long. I had to translate the material from English to Serbo-Croatian.Ever since, I have delt with Interpreting/Translating and Teaching. I have been doing this type of work since 1983 and I still hope to continue for as long as I can and I'm able.
Language Pairs
Translating Services
Areas of Specialization
Interpreting Modes
Interpreting Methods
Interpreting Services
ATA Divisions
Service Type(s)
Primary Phone
Grosse Pointe Park
United States
Degree in Translation & Interpretation
Education Level