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Host(s): Matt Baird
Guest(s): Nick Hartmann

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To celebrate International Translation Day 2020, Podcast Host Matt Baird interviewed ATA Past President Nick Hartmann for a look back at his career and the translation and interpreting industry—from the days of fax machines and modems in the early 1980s to the current age of specialization and machine translation. Nick also talks about ATA's own story and his experiences in the Association, including that first feeling of being welcomed into an amazing community, the growing professionalism of the Association, his early decision to volunteer with the Sci-Tech Division, and his two stints on the ATA Board. ATA's first podcast was broadcast in celebration of International Translation Day on September 30, 2015. So, what could be better than to share our landmark 50th episode with International Translation Day once again.

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Production Credits
Audio Production: Derek Platts | Technical Support: Trenton Morgan
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