Newsbriefs: May 17, 2021

ATA 2021 Elections: Announcement of Candidates
ATA will hold its regularly scheduled elections at ATA’s 62nd Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to elect a president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and three directors.The candidates proposed by the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee are:
- President-elect (two-year term)
Veronika Demichelis
Geoff Koby
- Secretary (two-year term)
Alaina Brandt
Cristina Helmerichs
- Treasurer (two-year term)
Ben Karl
John Milan
- Director (three positions, three-year terms)
Robin Bonthrone
Céline Browning
Aaron Hebenstreit
Manako Ihaya
Meghan Konkol
Carol Shaw
Candidate statements and photos will appear in the September/October issue of The ATA Chronicle and on ATA’s website.
Become an ATA Voting Member
ATA Associate Members who can demonstrate that they are professionally engaged in translation, interpreting, or closely related fields may apply for Voting Membership. How? Just complete and submit the ATA Active Membership Review application. No additional paperwork required. It’s fast, free, and easy!

Industry News
Standards Evolving for the Modern Language Industry
Standardization News (PA) (05/01/21) Sprinkle, Tim
New standards from ASTM International will help ensure that everyone knows the difference between an interpreter and a translator.
It’s a foundational definition in the language industry, but the two can be easy to mix up. That kind of confusion is just one of the reasons ASTM International’s Committee on Language Services and Products (F43) was formed.
“So many people don’t know that we even have a language industry, but we do. And it’s one of the more vital and growing industries in the country,” said Kathleen Diamond, chair of F43.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently more than 350 languages spoken in the U.S. alone, with employment for interpreters and translators projected to grow 20% by 2029. According to U.S. Census data, the number of Americans who speak a language other than English at home has more than doubled to 67.3 million over the past 30 years. There are currently more than 25 million people in the U.S. who are classified as limited English proficient.
It’s no surprise, then, that North America makes up the largest market for language services in the world, with more than 3,000 companies in the U.S. alone employing more than 55,000 interpreters and translators. Just about every industry needs language services.
“You name a sector in the U.S. market, and they will be buying both interpreting and translation services,” Diamond said.
That’s why F43 is working hard to bring standards to what has been very much a “wild west” field.
These standards include the Standard Practice for Language Interpreting (F2089) and the Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation (F2575).
The F2089 standard defines interpreting as a “professional activity resulting in a first and final oral/signed rendition of the message from the source language into the target language,” and explains it as a practice performed in real time or immediately after a speaker pauses. It also defines the minimum professional standard for quality services in language interpreting.
“You see interpreters in conference settings, in private settings, and more,” Diamond said. “It’s a huge market and it can be delivered in different modalities, whether simultaneous with the person speaking, recorded for later, or otherwise. It’s very exciting because now we’re moving into standards that are bringing in more technology and tools that linguists are using to communicate.”
The F2575 standard provides a guide for a very broad client base. The guide sets the baseline framework for translation projects to establish quality and service expectations. Diamond expects to see this standard evolve as machine translation and other technologies grow in importance.
“As an industry, we’re tasked with providing language services to health care and the courts, for example, where we have to be ready to support everything from German to Tamil to Zulu to whatever the client requests,” Diamond said. “It really is one of the biggest ‘unknown’ industries in the world.”
The Lonely, Vital Work of Medical Interpreting
The New Yorker (NY) (04/29/21) Marks, Clifford
During the pandemic, a job that’s often hidden has become indispensable.
Medical interpreting is a burgeoning profession that has assumed a critical role during the pandemic. The spread of the virus has been especially brutal in immigrant communities, where more people have had to work outside the home despite the risk, and in which health care resources are scarce. Interpreters must help patients with limited English skills navigate their treatment and the health care system more broadly. The job is taxing both practically and emotionally. For many patients, meanwhile, an interpreter is the last person they will speak to who understands what they are saying.
Last spring, Lourdes Cerna, a medical interpreter, received a phone call from a hospital in Texas. In Cerna’s home, in Los Angeles, the audio crackled to life. On the other end of the line, she could hear a woman struggling to breathe. A doctor at the woman’s bedside wasted no time. “Please tell her that if she does not agree to go on the ventilator, she will not survive the day,” she said.
Cerna has grown accustomed to such conversations. Since the start of the pandemic, she has received many COVID-related calls. Often, they involve end-of-life discussions with patients whose lungs are faltering. At other times, she speaks to relatives in faraway countries, delivering the worst possible news. Some conversations are leisurely and thoughtful, while others were brusque and hurried, with the medical team rushing from item to item on an interminable list of tasks. When a call ends, Cerna is left alone to absorb the experience.
“I have one call after the other after the other after the other, and I feel just sad and drained,” she said. “Many times, I cry by myself in my home alone because there is nobody to talk to.”
For decades, federal law has guaranteed access to medical interpreters for any patient with difficulty communicating in English. But the reality is more fraught. Lax regulation, a lack of reimbursement, and variations in skills and procedures mean that many patients go without interpreting services.
Even before the pandemic, medical interpreting was a difficult job. An interpreter must grapple with a range of dialects. Beyond the task of interpreting itself, there’s the nebulous work of cultural brokerage. An untrained interpreter can hinder the partnership between a family and their physician, compounding cultural mistrust and misunderstanding on both sides.
During the past year, amid a deluge of COVID-19 cases, even clinicians deeply committed to language access may have found the additional burden of providing interpreters prohibitive.
“The concern is that people are reverting to just getting by,” said Leah Karliner, a physician at the University of California San Francisco Parnassus Campus, who studies language access. This kind of laxity was especially bad during surges in case numbers, Karliner added.
“We should treat providing medical interpreters the same way we now treat hand washing,” Alexander Green, an internist at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Family Health Center of Worcester, who has written extensively on language barriers in health care. “Hand washing used to be optional, and our systems didn’t make it easy to do. Then we learned doctors weren’t washing their hands and it was killing people, so we changed course. This is no different.”
For now, medical interpreting remains imperfect. This past winter, with COVID-19 case numbers rising across the U.S., Cerna worked from her makeshift home office—a den she has converted into a call room, insulated from outside sounds and family activities. (Her daughter and grandson live with her.) She hasn’t missed a day of work since March.
Cerna said she finds it hard not to think of her own family when interpreting for patients struggling to be understood. For moments like these, she keeps a handkerchief at her desk and some solution to clean her tear-stained glasses. “We are trained as a profession to hold our emotions off to the side,” she said. “But we are humans, too.”
Pittsburgh’s Newest Literary Festival Crosses Cultures
WESA (PA) (05/10/21) O’Driscoll, Bill
From small bookstores to grand concert halls, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has hosted literary readings and lecture series for decades. Now the city is getting what’s likely its first literary festival dedicated to works in translation.
The inaugural 10-day Pittsburgh International Literary Festival kicked off May 12, featuring 30 speakers from 20 countries, including a Nobel laureate and two Pulitzer Prize winners. The virtual festival was organized by the nonprofit City of Asylum. Program Director Abby Lembersky said the event uniquely focuses on “the craft of translation, and how literary translation intersects with different social justice topics.”
The festival’s program includes Poland’s Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature, discussing her novel Flights and her forthcoming The Book of Jacob. Tokarczuk’s translator, Jennifer Croft, winner of the Man Booker International Prize for Flights, will also participate.
The festival also features Pulitzer Prize winner Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of The Committed, and Japanese novelist Mieko Kawakami and translators of her Breasts and Eggs. Pulitzer-winning poet and translator Forrest Gander with Mexican poet Coral Bracho will also discuss their collaboration, It Must Be a Misunderstanding.
Lembersky said a “Representation and Translation” panel discussion will focus on “examining the dearth of translators of color into English in the U.S., and questioning identity and who should be translating other people’s voices.”
Local publishers will also be highlighted. The International Perspectives from Autumn House Press program will feature remarks and readings by Autumn House writers Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Michael X. Wang, and Dickson Lam, who will explore immigration and multiculturalism.
City of Asylum was founded to shelter and support writers in exile from their homelands. It has matured into a group that also presents a perennial series of literary and musical events.
Survey Finds Remote Simultaneous Interpreting ‘More Difficult’ for 83% of Interpreters
Slator (Switzerland) (04/26/21) Albarino, Seyma
The European Commission’s Knowledge Centre on Interpretation has shared the initial results from a survey carried out by Paris-based École supérieure d’interprètes et de traducteurs (ESIT).
The research project, led by ESIT instructor Camille Collard and freelance conference interpreter Marta Bujan, was aimed at quantitatively understanding the experiences of conference interpreters with remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI).
Collard and Bujan collected responses between March 10 and April 11, 2021, just over a year after the pandemic began to significantly impact the working lives of interpreters around the world.
ESIT described the over 850 professional interpreters in 19 countries who responded to the survey as “representing both staff and freelance interpreters working for the private market, international organizations, European institutions, and public administrations.”
Within the language industry, conference interpreters have undoubtedly been hit the hardest by the pandemic. A majority (68%) reported working fewer days during the pandemic, and almost half (46%) said they now have fewer clients.
RSI has been a saving grace for many, allowing conference interpreters to continue their work, albeit with significant modifications.
For the clients and assignments that interpreters have been able to keep, work setups have changed quickly and dramatically. Nearly 80% of respondents reported working exclusively on-site for simultaneous interpreting tasks prior to the pandemic. Now, only 3% of respondents said all their simultaneous interpreting takes place on-site.
Interpreters reported struggling to adjust to the new normal, with over 67% of respondents stating that RSI working conditions are worse than on-site. Fifty percent of respondents said they perform worse via RSI. Overall, 83% said they consider RSI “more difficult” than on-site interpreting.
Collard and Bujan were heartened to learn that, “in keeping with industry recommendations, sessions (periods of work without a break longer than 30 minutes) are shorter for three-fourths of interpreters when working via RSI.” Almost half of respondents (49%) said an average session lasts two hours, while 42% reported three-hour sessions. Most respondents (63%) work just one session per day, while a third typically work two sessions daily.
The ZOOM interpreting feature is the leading platform among respondents—over 70% said they have used it for more than half of their RSI assignments. The other platforms that are used most frequently include Interprefy (7%), Interactio (6%), and KUDO (5%).
Despite the challenges involved, most respondents (64%) said they would like to continue working on RSI assignments.
“Of course, this overview of the results is only the first step, and many questions not covered here deserve a more thorough qualitative analysis,” Collard said. “Having a closer look at the links between interpreters’ profiles and their conditions or thoughts will help us have a better understanding of the current situation.”
Marilyn Booth Translates Arabic Literature for Anglophone Readers
Harvard Magazine (MA) (05/01/21) Lenfield, Spencer Lee
Harvard University alumnus Marilyn Booth is one of the world’s most prolific translators of Arabic fiction into English. She recently translated Omani writer Jokha Alharthi’s Celestial Bodies, which earned praise in The New Yorker from James Wood, professor of the practice of literary criticism at Harvard University. Celestial Bodies is the first novel by any Omani woman to have an English translation, winning the 2019 Man Booker International Prize.
“Translation is wonderful because somebody else comes up with the plot and the character’s voice, and then I get to play with it,” said Booth, a professor of the contemporary Arab world at Magdalen College, Oxford.
When Booth first tried translating Arabic literature, she said “there was absolutely no way that you could turn literary translation in Arabic into a full-time career unless you had other financial resources.”
Her first exposure to the language came at age 11, when her family moved from the U.S. to spend nine months in Lebanon. Her father had left a career as a minister to become a scholar of comparative religion and wanted to learn more about Islam. Though brief, Booth’s experiences that year, meeting people from Lebanon and elsewhere in the Arab world, imprinted on her a deep awareness of culture’s relationship to politics.
At first, she planned to become a journalist after college, “because there weren’t many journalists who actually knew Arabic.” She did her earliest translations as a student at Radcliffe while working on a senior thesis in Near Eastern languages and civilizations about the Lebanese-Palestinian writer May Ziadeh. “I got really fascinated by trying to convey her voice,” Booth said.
As a Marshall Scholar at Oxford, she continued to draft translations alongside her academic research, and began to publish them around the time she finished her doctorate in Arabic literature and Middle Eastern history.
Booth has always considered it crucial to translate women’s writing. “It was important to me from an early period to try to translate other women, and as a feminist myself, I cared about getting other feminist voices out.”
“It’s just so frustrating how hard it is, even now, to get the message through here in the U.K. and in the U.S. that Muslim women, especially those in the Arab region, are not uniformly oppressed, silent people.”
Booth says finding publishers willing to look at any Arabic literature outside the purely contemporary remains difficult. The infrastructure of editing, publishing, grants, and prizes that fuels translation in some other languages is still maturing for Arabic-to-English translators.
“We’re not just translators,” Booth said. “We have to be advocates for the literature, and we have to persuade both publishers and audiences.”

ATA News
ATA Webinar: Back Translation for Medical Translators
Presenter: Danielle MaxsonDate: May 18
Time: 12 noon U.S. EDT
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English with Spanish examples
Level: Intermediate
CE Points: 1 ATA-approved
Back translation can become a solid revenue stream in an experienced medical translator’s business. There’s a steady demand from major clients—clinical trials, medical device companies, and the pharmaceutical industry are some of the biggest buyers in the market
But what does back translation involve, and why do clients request it? Attend this webinar to learn the tips and best practices for back translation, including the linguistic pitfalls specific to Spanish-English medical and health care texts. If you’re an experienced medical translator, this is a specialty worth exploring!
Please note: Although this webinar is presented in English, the content deals specifically with Spanish-English back translation.
What will you learn?
- When and why back translation is used
- The steps of the back translation process
- Tips and best practices for back translators
- How to participate in the reconciliation step
- Pitfalls specific to Spanish-English back translation
ATA Remote Interpreting Position Paper: Call for Comments
The ATA Board of Directors has released a draft ATA Position Paper on Remote Interpreting. ATA members are invited and encouraged to read the draft, then tell us what works and what doesn’t. Use the link at the end of the document to provide your feedback.The deadline for submitting comments is June 17, 2021.
All comments will be reviewed for possible incorporation into the final version. The final draft is expected to represent a consensus view of ATA’s position on remote interpreting. Your input is critical to making this happen.
What is a Position Paper?
A position paper is an official document representing a group’s viewpoint on a key issue. Typically, the paper will define the problem or controversy, then use facts and inductive reasoning to support a particular position or recommendation. The goal of a position paper is to convince an audience that a viewpoint is logical and valid.
Set the Record Straight
Last year’s pandemic lockdown created a demand for remote interpreting that the industry was not entirely ready for. In addition, the general public is not well informed about the skills and difficulties involved in providing interpreting services. Don’t miss this opportunity to help ATA establish a baseline understanding for the use of remote interpreting.
Nominate a Colleague for an ATA Award Today
The nomination period for three of ATA’s 2021 awards ends May 31!- ATA Dynamo Award recognizes a person or entity that has worked in a particularly energetic way to benefit ATA and/or the language professions. (Deadline May 31)
- ATA Mentoring Award recognizes a person or entity that has provided outstanding mentoring to the next generation of translators and interpreters, either through the ATA Mentoring Program or another channel. (Deadline May 31)
- ATA Rising Star Award recognizes an early-career translator, interpreter, or entity that has already “made a mark” on ATA and is seen as having great potential to positively impact ATA and the language professions in the future. (Deadline May 31)
Learn more about ATA’s Honors and Awards Program! Click to listen to Episode 56 of The ATA Podcast.
Questions? Need more information?
Check out ATA’s Honors and Awards Program online or email
Inside Specialization: International Development
In the second Inside Specialization podcast, Host Veronika Demichelis interviews ATA Past President Corinne McKay and current ATA Director Meghan Konkol about translating in the international development market. You’ll learn that it’s not all the pro bono work you might have thought it was—in fact, just the opposite. You’ll also hear about the types of translation work you can expect, the interesting cultural challenges, the somewhat lower barriers to entering the sector, and the many subspecialties within the field that let you find your passion. Bonus! Both Meghan and Corinne have tips for beginners and experienced translators who want to get into international development translation.What is the Inside Specialization Podcast?
Inside Specialization is a new feature of The ATA Podcast that focuses on specialization and diversification. Each episode will tackle the “what, why, and how” of a particular specialty. You’ll learn about the actual work from translators and interpreters in the field as well as the skills needed, the pros and cons of the job, and the types of clients you’d be working for. There will be loads of personal stories and recommendations for getting started. This series is an adventure you don’t want to miss!

ATA Webinar: Accent Improvement for Asian-Language Speakers
Presenter: Kara LundDate: May 26
Time: 6:30 pm U.S. EDT
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Level: All
CE Points: 1 ATA-approved
How you speak is important because your voice is often the initial—and lasting—impression you make on people. When the listener is able to focus on your message and not your accent, you’re more likely to engage the listener and obtain results.
This can be particularly challenging for speakers of Asian languages due to structural differences between English and Asian languages, cultural beliefs, and patterns of intonation.
This webinar will address some of the areas that speakers of Asian languages often find challenging when speaking American English and provide tools for independent practice. The goal is not to eliminate your accent, but to improve your pronunciation of English phrases and make your accent work for you.
This webinar was organized with the assistance of the Chinese Language Division and support of the Japanese and Korean Language Divisions.
What will you learn?
- Explore the structure of Standard American English speech
- Explore the music and melody of spoken English
- Explore how posture and breath impact articulation
- Learn the common errors that speakers of Asian languages make and develop strategies to enhance communication skills
- Troubleshoot challenging words
Register now! ATA Member $45 | Non-Member $60
ATA Workshop: Transcreation and Multilingual Copywriting
Presenter: Kate DeimlingDate: June 2, June 9
Time: 12 noon p.m. U.S. EDT
Duration: Two 2-hour sessions
Language: English
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
CE Points: ATA-approved 4 CEPs
This workshop is limited to 30 attendees. It will be presented as two, two-hour sessions one week apart. Registration fees cover both sessions.
Transcreation remains a field where a talented translator’s human, creative touch is highly valued. If you’ve got the skills and a flair for wording, then this might be the specialty for you!
In this workshop attendees will examine the transcreation field—also known as creative adaption—and discuss related concepts, such as localization and multilingual copywriting. Name-checks and cultural consultations will also be covered. Concrete examples, including transcreated slogans, newsletters, and social media posts, will be presented and reviewed to show what makes them work. Attendees will also explore industry terminology, client expectations, and managing feedback.
Come prepared for hands-on learning!
There will be two in-class exercises and one homework assignment. Attendees will share their work for real-time feedback and discussion.
What will you learn?
- How to develop your transcreation expertise
- The roles of related concepts such as localization and multilingual copywriting
- Differences in clients and billing practices
- Hands-on exercises in transcreating slogans, newsletters, and social media posts
- How to do a name-check for the target language and culture
B2BB: Taking Charge of Your Style Set
Presenter: Karen TkaczykDate: June 8, 2021
Time: 12 noon U.S. EDT
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Level: All
CE Points: None
Break into higher segments of the translation market by creating and defining your own style set.
Instead of taking control and producing consistent translations that follow modern usage guidelines, translators too often follow inconsistent, incorrect, or outdated usage and style in source texts. Adopting a consistent style provides added value to clients, increasing the possibility of breaking into the higher segments of the translation market.
This webinar will include a “how-to” for attendees to create a personal style set for any specific field, based upon essential resources such as standards, key industry bodies, and style guides. Using a reference like this quickly becomes routine and has the benefit of making you more of an authority. That in turn gives you the confidence to defend your choices to your clients, when necessary.
Click to learn more and register. Space is limited.
What is ATA’s B2BB Webinar Series?
Sometimes it’s the simple things that trip you up or hold you back in business. That’s the point behind ATA’s Back to Business Basics webinars—a series of 45-minute webinars offering practical advice on common translation and interpreting business problems.
National Health Law Program Files Civil Rights Complaint
The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) has filed a complaint with multiple U.S. federal agencies contending that federal, state, and local agencies have failed to provide meaningful access to COVID-19 services to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP).
The complaint documents numerous cases of English-only assistance, including in New York City where signage and intake questions at a Department of Health vaccination site in Chinatown were not available in Chinese, and in Colorado where no interpreting services were available in Navajo, Pueblo, Zapotec, and Mixtec. In Los Angeles, COVID services available in other languages were frequently provided by automated translation applications which have a history of inaccurate medical and technical translation. According to NHeLP, the problem is nationwide.
Read the NHeLP complaint here.
The organization recommended six steps that should be taken as quickly as possible to ensure access to COVID-19 testing, vaccines, treatment, and contact tracing for the nation’s nearly 66-million LEP population.
- Advise entities not to use automated translation software that has not been verified by a qualified translator;
- Engage in monitoring/enforcement regarding the development and use of websites, web-based applications, call centers, and vaccination sites;
- Advise funding recipients to prioritize the use of qualified, in-person interpretation and, for those situations involving less frequently encountered languages, the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights and the Federal Emergency Management Agency should issue guidance to ensure quality remote interpreting;
- Clarify that federal COVID funding can pay for language services and that federal funded entities should compensate community-based organizations when they are being used to provide information and assistance;
- Ensure that data on primary language is collected from recipients, optimally at the first point of contact. This will improve future monitoring and planning activities; and
- For written materials/information, prepare and make available high-quality translated materials and standard taglines for all federal fund recipients to use.
Proposed Language Services in Education Division (LSED)
In the last decade, school districts throughout the country have increased their awareness of language access needs. It has become their responsibility to communicate information to families with limited English proficiency in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity that is shared with parents who are proficient in English. This includes, but is not limited to, information about registration and enrollment, parent-teacher meetings, programs and services, and more.This growing requirements for competent, responsible intercultural communication in school systems has created a demand for professional translators and interpreters in educational services. It is no longer enough for staff to merely be bilingual.
This need in educational systems across the U.S. has led a number of ATA members to propose the establishment of an ATA Language Services in Education Division (LSED).
The new Division would serve as a networking and professional development hub, increase visibility of language access professionals, help raise awareness of the crucial role of quality language access in education, and foster the pursuit of innovation in translation and interpreting services in educational settings.
Learn more! Click to read the objectives of the proposed ATA Language Services in Education Division or to add your signed petition in favor of establishing the Division.
Coming Up in the May/June Issue of The ATA Chronicle
ATA’s Virtual Advocacy Trip to Capitol HillEvery year, ATA lends its voice as one of the advocates from the language professions to meet with Congress and request legislation and funding in support of language education and industry priorities. This year, the Association had the opportunity to do so twice! (Caitilin Walsh)
ATA Member Orientation: A Bird’s-Eye View of All ATA Has to Offer
As an association with members around the globe and a wide variety of interest groups, programs, and events, ATA might seem like somewhat of a puzzle to members. That’s why ATA’s Membership Committee began to consider how it could offer an easy-to-digest snapshot of everything ATA offers so members could choose where to get involved and avoid feeling lost. Our answer: the ATA Member Orientation sessions! (Jamie Hartz, Meghan Konkol)
A Sense of Hope: Interpreters/Translators Share Their Vaccination Journey
As the vaccination distribution program kicks into high gear in the U.S., we asked interpreters and translators what getting vaccinated means to them both personally and professionally. We also asked them if the advocacy efforts of translator and interpreter organizations had an impact on their eligibility for early vaccination.
6 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Online Marketing Efforts
We’ve all been guilty of self-sabotage at some point during our entrepreneurial journey. We often make online marketing much harder than it really is. The stories we tell ourselves about why we can’t do something can cause us to stall our marketing efforts, whether we realize it at first or not. The key is to make your marketing feel like you. (Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo)
Getting Started with Terminology Management
Terminology management makes or breaks the success of globalization and localization efforts in terms of both budgets and sales. Despite its strategic value, however, many are unaware that terminology is key to producing solid, well-performing products. And once they are aware, many don’t know where to start. If you find yourself needing a little help in this area as well, then read on for some guidelines for getting started with terminology management. (Alaina Brandt)
Access to The ATA Chronicle’s searchable archives is available online! And don’t forget to check out the latest issue of the Chronicle Online. News summaries © copyright 2021 SmithBucklin
May 17, 2021

At what age do you expect to retire?
Previous Poll Results
Do you offer rush services?
0% = No, never
84% = Yes, on occasion
16% = Yes, fairly frequently
In This Issue
ATA 2021 ElectionsWebinar: Back Translation
Remote Interpreting
ATA Awards Deadline
Int’l Development Podcast
Accent Improvement
Workshop: Transcreation
B2BB: Style Set
Civil Rights Complaint
New Division Proposed
The ATA Chronicle
ATA Members Only

Free ATA Webinar!
Building Entrepreneurial Skills for Interpreters and Translators
ATA Workshop
Transcreation and Multilingual Copywriting Workshop, Part IJune 2
12 noon U.S. EDT
Register now
ATA Webinars
Back Translation: A Specialized Market for Spanish to English Medical TranslatorsMay 18
Registration open
Accent Improvement for Asian-Language Speakers
May 26
Registration open
Taking Charge of Your Style Set
June 8
Registration open
(free to ATA members)
Introduction to Localization
June 15
Registration open
Calendar of Events
ATA Honors and AwardsDynamo, Mentoring, and Rising Star nominations
Deadline: May 31, 2021
Make a nomination now!
Next ATA Board of Directors Meeting
August 7-8, 2021
ATA62 Annual Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota
October 27-30, 2021
Check out the website!