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On Demand, Webinar Series

Accent Improvement for Asian-Language Speakers

May 26, 2021

How you speak is important because your voice is often the initial—and lasting—impression you make on people. When the listener is able to focus on your message and not your accent, you’re more likely to engage the listener and obtain results.

This can be particularly challenging for speakers of Asian languages due to structural differences between English and Asian languages, cultural beliefs, and patterns of intonation.

This webinar will address some of the areas that speakers of Asian languages often find challenging when speaking American English and provide tools for independent practice. The goal is not to eliminate your accent, but to improve your pronunciation of English phrases and make your accent work for you.

  1. Explore the structure of Standard American English speech
  2. Explore the music and melody of spoken English
  3. Explore how posture and breath impact articulation
  4. Learn the common errors that speakers of Asian languages make and develop strategies to enhance communication skills
  5. Troubleshoot challenging words

Bring your questions and get ready to learn and practice!

About the Presenter

Kara Lund has been a voice and speech coach, college instructor, and film and stage performer for over 20 years. As founder and chief executive officer of Speech Revolution, Kara coaches clients between Boston and Paris to be clear, confident, and credible when presenting in English. Her workshops cover voice coaching for public speakers, accent improvement courses for native and non-native English speakers, and delivery skills with a focus on developing positive body language and effective voice skills.


May 26, 2021
Event Categories:
Presenter(s): Kara Lund
Duration: 60 minutes
ATA CEPs: 1.0

Code of Conduct

ATA is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. By registering for this event, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Virtual Programs.



American Translators Association