In this webinar, presenter Rosanna Balistreri will walk you through the steps to take to minimize the risks and maximize the rewards in starting a freelance translation or interpreting business. You’ll learn how to market yourself competitively, develop successful relationships with clients, and increase revenue. Learn what language service providers expect from their linguists, and how you can align your business goals to theirs!
You will learn how to
Apply strategies to become a successful self-employed professional
Improve your professional image and attract career opportunities
Leverage social media effectively to enhance your professional network
About the presenter
Rosanna Balistreri is a trilingual speaker of Spanish, Italian & English with an academic background in General & Applied Linguistics.
She served as President of the California Healthcare Interpreting Association (2010-2011)and is presently a Board Member of the National Council of Interpreters in Health Care (NCIHC). She is also a member of the NCIHC Standards & Training Committee and co-chair of the Language of Limited Diffusion (LLD) Work Group.
Rosanna has been a Subject Matter Expert for the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters. She has also taught in the Translation and Interpreting Program at Cal State University Fullerton.
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