Readings, Tools, and Useful Links for Corpus Analysis

This post originally appeared on the blog In My Own Terms and it is republished with permission.
The following list is a result of collaboration by participants of Lancaster’s recent MOOC on Corpus Linguistics. This is a selection of the links that I considered more relevant for those who might want to start exploring this field. If you want to share other links, feel free to add a comment or send me a message and I will add it here. I will keep you posted on the next CL course by Lancaster University. This post complements previous posts on corpora lists, GraphColl, and AntConc.
An Introduction of Corpus Linguistics – G. Bennet
Corpus Linguistics: What It Is and How It Can Be Applied to Teaching – D. Krieger
Corpus Linguistics 2015. Abstract book – F. Formato and A. Hardie (Lancaster:UCREL)
Corpus annotation – R. Garside, G. Leech, T. McEnery
A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics – L. Anthony
Corpora and Language Teaching: Just a fling or wedding bells? – C. Gabrielatos
Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics – P. Baker
Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis
Google book: Corpus-based Translation Studies – S. Laviosa
Google book: Corpus-based translation studies: Research and Applications – A. Kruger, K. Wallmach, J. Munday
SkELL is a free online, stripped down version of the Sketch Engine corpus query software. It allows very simple searches for words which will produce a word sketch to show the grammatical and collocational behavior of the word. It also produces a list of similar words and the regular concordance lines. One of our tutors in Lancaster’s MOOC, Keith Barrs, wrote an article on how to use this tool (from page 6).
WebCorp. Concordance the web in real-time
Wmatrix is a software tool for corpus analysis and comparison.
The SILS Learner Corpus of English is a collection of essays by students at SILS, the School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University.
Translational English Corpus (TEC) is a corpus of contemporary translational English: it consists of written texts translated into English from a variety of source languages, European and non-European
The Collins Corpus is an analytical database of English with over 4.5 billion words. It contains written material from websites, newspapers, magazines and books published around the world, and spoken material from radio, TV and everyday conversations.
CORPUS. The Open Parallel Corpus is a growing collection of translated texts from the web.
Natural Language Toolkit. is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning, wrappers for industrial-strength NLP libraries, and an active discussion forum.
WordBanks Online is an online corpus service offering you the chance to tap into the unique resources of the Collins Word Web, on which the highly successful range of Collins dictionaries is based.
Lancaster Corpus of Children’s Project Writing is a digitized collection of project work produced by children aged between 9 and 11.
For corpora in other languages visit Corpus Linguitics and Morphology of Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin, and lemmatization lists in several languages at
Other useful and interesting links
Corpus linguistics community in Google
List of Corpus Software, Tools, Frequency Lists, etc.
Tools and websites by Corpora4Learning
ICAME Journal. This is published once a year (in the spring) with articles, conference reports, reviews and notices related to corpus linguistics. Each issue is about 150 pages and there have been 36 issues published.
The British Sign Language Corpus Project by the Economic & Social Research Council
A (brief) History of Computarized Corpus Tools by Mura Nava using TimeMapper
Articles in Spanish
Lingüística de corpus: una introducción al ámbito – G. Parodi
Lingüística de corpus y lingüística del español – Guillermo Rojo
Introducción al análisis de estructuras lingüísticas en corpus – M. Alcántara Plá
Hacia una definición del concepto de colocación – J. R. Firth, a I.A. Mel’cuk, by M. Alonso Ramos
Diseño de corpus textuales y orales by Torruella y Llisterri
Sobre la construcción de diccionarios basados en corpus – G. Rojo
Compilación de un corpus ad hoc para la enseñanza de la traducción inversa especializada – G. Corpas
El corpus lingüístico en la didáctica del léxico en el aula – E. Alonso
For corpora in Spanish, visit my page TermFinder (Corpora EN+ES section)
Author bio
Patricia Brenes is the owner of the blog Originally from Costa Rica, she moved to Washington in 2000 to work for an international organization. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Specialized Translation at the Universitat de Vic in Barcelona and is a Certified Terminology Manager (ECQA-TermNet). Her blog collects useful information on theory and practice, as well as infographics, biographies, interviews, tools, and much more.