Learn key techniques for using your sight translation skills in the simultaneous interpreting mode!
We have all been there: an attorney or a conference delegate walks in, comes over, hands us a document (a speech, a proffer), and says, “I tend to read very quickly so I brought you a copy.”
We thank the speaker, skim through it, and make some notes. What happens next is key. Do you put it aside, close your eyes, and just focus on the spoken words? Or do you read along, interpreting as you go, and adjusting to additions and deletions on the fly?
If you are in the former group, this session is for you! Attend and learn key techniques to translate your sight-reading skills into the simultaneous mode. Come prepared to practice!
Special Notes
- This webinar is language-neutral. Some exercises will focus on Spanish, but the majority of practice elements will work for all languages.
- The presenter will lead mini practice sessions. Having the ability to record yourself will be beneficial but is not required.
What will you learn?
- How to skim a document to identify key elements in advance
- How to listen and read at the same time
- How to listen, read, and interpret at the same time
- How to adjust to changes in the text
- How to help your interpreting partner when working from a prepared text
This webinar was organized in collaboration with ATA’s Spanish Language Division.
About the Presenter
Katty Kauffman is a seasoned conference and court interpreter, a member of both the International Association of Conference Interpreters and the American Association of Language Specialists, and an instructor at York University’s Graduate School (Glendon MCI).
Trained in Chile and the United States, her extensive conference experience includes presidential summits, general assemblies of international organizations, and countless events for the private sector. Katty regularly provides services in person and, more recently, online to the U.S. Department of State, the Organization of American States, and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, among others.
In the judicial field, in addition to her work as a freelancer in New York, Miami, and the Washington, DC metro area, she has served on staff at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
Other CE Points: CCHI = 1.0; IMIA/NBCMI = 0.1
Code of Conduct
ATA is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. By registering for this event, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Virtual Programs.