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On Demand, Webinar Series

Transcreation in Video Game Localization

August 25, 2021

Learn how to adapt creative content when localizing video games.

For gamers, a video game is not just a pastime—it is an immersive experience that connects them to the story and the characters. The primary goal in video game localization is not to be rigidly faithful to the original content but to entertain the players.

In video game localization, the player is the priority. Therefore, translators often modify or even remove components that interfere with the player’s experience. These linguistic and non-linguistic adaptations sometimes require us to transcreate content entirely.

Just as in other uses of transcreation, video games aim to have the same effect on the player, considering their culture and the language to which they are localized.

Join this webinar to explore how transcreation is applied to the diverse, multilingual content of video games and how to tackle these fun but challenging projects.

What will you learn?

  1. The difference between translation, localization, and transcreation
  2. The evolution of video game localization
  3. Where transcreation might be needed in video games
  4. Examples of transcreation in a variety of video game content
  5. Strategies to use when working on projects that require transcreation

About the Presenters

Lucio Alcaide is an Argentinian professional video game localizer. He has been in the video game industry for 7 years and helped localize several AAA games. Lucio is a Student Assistant at Introduction to Spanish Language, English Language II, and Commercial Translation at the School of Languages of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. He was a spokesperson in several college conferences and academic events related to translation. He is a project manager at Terra Localizations and is taking his first steps as a game designer and narrative writer.

Marina Ilari, CT is an ATA certified English>Spanish translator with over 15 years of experience in the translation profession. She has worked as a translator, editor, and quality assurance specialist for many companies around the world with a special focus on creative translations and video game localization. She is the chief executive officer of Terra Translations and co-host of the podcast about translation, En Pantuflas.


August 25, 2021
Event Category:
Presenter(s): Lucio Alcaide and Marina Ilari
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenting Language(s): English
Level: All
ATA CEPs: 1.0

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American Translators Association