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On Demand, Webinar Series

Working with PDF Files, Part I: Using Adobe Reader/Acrobat

August 25, 2011

Don’t be stuck with all those yellow sticky notes—learn to use and manage PDF files efficiently! Edit, comment, search and view PDF files, fill electronic forms, use electronic signatures and more.

What will you learn?

  • Basics of Adobe programs
  • Editing, commenting, searching PDF files
  • Filling in electronic forms
  • Using electronic signatures
  • What’s new in Adobe Acrobat/Reader 10

About the Presenter

Tuomas Kostiainen, a native of Finland, is an ATA-certified English into Finnish translator specializing in technical and medical translations. He is a SDL-approved Trados trainer and has provided Trados and MultiTerm training for numerous translators and translation companies in the US and internationally. In addition to Trados workshops, Tuomas has given frequent presentations on PDF files and tools. Visit Finnish Translation Services and Trados Training. Tuomas has served three terms as the president of the Northern California Translators Association (NCTA) and has been an exam grader in the ATA Certification Program since 1997.

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August 25, 2011
Event Category:
Presenter(s): Tuomas S. Kostiainen
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenting Language(s): Presented in English

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American Translators Association


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