There are numerous collections of corpora online, many available as free downloads. Yet, nothing beats developing your own and making it part of your translation routine. The result? More precise and coherent solutions for vocabulary, expressions, and phrases without the sacrifice of speed.
In this 60-minute webinar, linguistics expert Ana Julia Perrotti Garcia shows you how to create a corpus from your project’s text, register, linguistic variant, document type, and target audience.
What Will You Learn?
- The what, when, and how of customized corpora
- How they stack up against Internet search results
- Identifying their limitations as sources
- Collecting and managing your own
- Free computer tools to make them work
About the Presenter
Ana Julia Perrotti Garcia is a technical translator and interpreter specializing in healthcare. She translates for a wide range of periodicals, publishers, companies, and websites. Her working languages are Portuguese (native), English (source and target), Italian (source), and Spanish (source).
After completing degrees in dentistry at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and Translation/Interpretation at the United Metropolitan Faculties (FMU), Ana Julia earned a master’s degree in corpus linguistics.
In addition to translating more than 50 textbooks and textbook chapters, she has authored seven dictionaries and three English for Special Purposes course books. She has also lectured and taught courses on translation, corpus-based research, and dental English in Brazil, Northern Ireland, the US, England, and Portugal, among others.
Ana Julia is currently working as a coordinator of a web-based English as a second language learning program.
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