Newsbriefs: June 1, 2021

University of Massachusetts Certificate in Translation and Interpreting


A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Translation Career

Are you new to the translation profession? Then you’re in the right place. Whether you’re currently studying translation, have recently graduated, or are making a career change, this new e-guide will help set you up for success in this dynamic and exciting field.

ATA’s new Guide to Starting Out as a Translator introduces you to the first hurdles you’ll encounter in becoming a professional. You’ll get answers to some of the most common questions beginners often have and discover things you might not have considered.

What’s in the Guide?
From how to technology you’ll need and the structure of your business to marketing plans, finances, and pricing strategies—including tips for when and how to raise your rates—this guide covers it all. You’ll learn what to include on your website, how to choose content for search engine optimization, and ways to make social media work for your business. You’ll also find a summary of the types of clients you’ll deal with plus the pros and cons of working with each, followed by a section on the why, who, what, when, where, and how of networking.

Every page of the guide is packed with links to resources and additional information, and there’s a comprehensive reading list at the end.

Don’t wait to check it out. And, it’s yours absolutely free. Click now to download your copy!



Industry News

Lawmakers Frustrated Over White House’s ‘Total Lack’ of Urgency in Helping Afghan Interpreters

Politico (VA) (05/18/21) Seligman, Lara

House lawmakers are increasingly frustrated with the Biden administration’s lack of progress in expediting special immigrant visas for thousands of Afghans who worked with the U.S. as the deadline to withdraw all U.S. troops from the country gets closer.

Lawmakers “have been completely underwhelmed by the total lack of a sense of urgency, or a plan to prioritize the safety of the thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who qualify for such visas and who will be hunted down by the Taliban if the Biden administration does not take action,” said Representative Michael Waltz, a former Green Beret who worked with Afghan interpreters during his deployment.

“The day the last U.S. soldier goes out of Bagram Air Base, we’ve handed these people a death sentence,” Waltz said.

The sense of frustration comes just weeks after Waltz and a group of House lawmakers, led by Representative Jason Crow, sent a letter urging Biden to expedite the visa approval process and address challenges with the Afghan refugee program. Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee also questioned Zalmay Khalilzad, the special representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, about the issue during a hearing.

Even members of Biden’s own party signaled that he needs to do more to ensure safety for the Afghans who have spent decades providing critical help to Americans and other Western allies fighting in Afghanistan. Representative Seth Moulton noted that the average time to process a special visa is 800 days—compared to the 116 days remaining until Americans leave the country.

“This administration does not seem to have a plan,” Moulton said. “The bottom line is we’ve got to get our allies out of Afghanistan before they are slaughtered.”

According to a National Security Council spokesperson, the U.S. Department of State has responded to concerns about the slow pace of the visa approval by temporarily adding staff both in Washington and at the embassy in Kabul to conduct interviews and process visa applications, as well as identifying process improvements.

“While we remain focused on the peace process, we also have a commitment to Afghans who served the U.S. government at great personal risk, and we are processing SIV [Special Immigrant Visa] applications as quickly as we possibly can,” the spokesperson said. “The State Department constantly seeks ways to improve the SIV process while ensuring the integrity of the program and safeguarding national security.”

Moulton said that increasing the number of staff working on visas is a start, but that alone is not sufficient given the “massive bureaucratic delays.”

Waltz called for the formation of an interagency task force to speed up the process, noting that Afghans who qualify for special visas are in more danger from the Taliban every day as U.S. troops continue the withdrawal.

“If the Biden administration does not get qualified Afghans out of the country by the time the U.S. withdraws, we will have blood on our hands,” Moulton said. “Future generations of Americans will be unable to find friends and allies in all the places we have to go because people around the world will point to Afghanistan and say we broke our promise and our friends got killed.”

California State Lawmakers Reject Proposal to Retain Remote Technology Post-Pandemic (NY) (05/25/21) Miller, Cheryl

California state senators rejected a proposal by Governor Gavin Newsom that would allow courts to continue using remote technology in civil cases after the state’s COVID-19 emergency ends.

The proposal, recently unveiled in a budget-related bill, has been under fire from court reporters and interpreters who say the use of video and phone appearances in the courts to keep people out of courthouses isn’t working.

“It’s too much, too soon, and there are too many problems in our courtrooms right now,” Ignacio Hernández, a lobbyist for court reporters and interpreters, told the Senate budget subcommittee that oversees the judiciary. “We need to evaluate what’s going on before we move forward.”

The vote by the subcommittee did not kill Governor Newsom’s proposal, which would give the Judicial Council broad authority to set remote-use rules. The idea, backed by some judges and the plaintiffs, can still be negotiated in ongoing budget talks among legislative leaders and the governor.

State law presumes court proceedings take place in person, in courtrooms. After Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency in March 2020 due to the pandemic, the Judicial Council adopted its own emergency order a month later allowing courts to conduct proceedings remotely.

According to the Judicial Council, 54 of California’s 58 trial courts have employed remote technology in some types of proceedings over the past 13 months. Thirty-eight courts have offered the technology in all case types. The state’s appellate courts have been using remote appearances during oral arguments as well.

“The result was a tremendous success,” Alameda County Superior Court Presiding Judge Tara Desautels told the legislative subcommittee at a hearing in May. “It was the only way we were able to reopen amidst shelter-in-place orders, amidst pandemic services, and maintain court operations throughout this tumultuous time.”

“The Alameda County Superior Court has held trials online, and our jurors love it,” Desaultels said.

But some court staffers have complained that the remote technology can be glitchy and platforms and quality can vary among courts. Interpreters have said they sometimes struggle to communicate remotely with defendants and their attorneys. Court reporters have also complained of dropped connections and litigants and judges inadvertently talking over one another.

“The pandemic exposed disparities in our courtrooms,” said Senator María Elena Durazo. “Those disparities will be exacerbated by technology unless we have protocols in place.”

Without additional action, the Judicial Council’s emergency rule on remote appearances ends 90 days after the governor lifts the state’s emergency status. A Judicial Council committee is currently reviewing pandemic-related changes that could remain in place once the emergency declaration ends.

Quebec Tables New Bill Seeking to Make Sweeping Changes to Language Laws

CBC (Canada) (05/13/21) McKenna, Kate

The government of Quebec has temporarily tabled a bill to tighten the province’s language laws. The new bill includes a potentially controversial amendment to the Canadian Constitution that would recognize Quebec as a nation and French as its only official and common language.

If passed, Bill 96 would become the most stringent law to bolster the status of the French language in Quebec since the 1970s.

Much of the bill is aimed at increasing the use of French in public and workplaces after a series of studies indicated French is on the decline, particularly in Montreal. Government agencies also would have to use French exclusively in their written and oral communications, with few exceptions, while businesses would have to ensure the “net predominance’ of French on signs that include more than one language.

“French will always be vulnerable because of Quebec’s situation in North America,’ Premier François Legault said. “In that sense, each generation that passes has a responsibility for the survival of our language, and now it’s our turn.”

Another controversial measure in the bill would require that all provincial communication with immigrants be in French, starting six months after they arrive in Quebec. Although the bill stipulates that the government would offer free language classes, immigration advocates say the bill could deter non-French-speaking immigrants from settling in the province.

“Many immigrants actually fear coming here already,” said Joseph Gonzales, vice-chair of the Filipino Association of Montreal and Suburbs.

Marlene Jennings, head of the Quebec Community Groups Network, an umbrella group of Anglo groups, said the proposed law sets a dangerous precedent.

“It establishes the hierarchy of rights, creating collective French community rights that would have precedence over individual rights,” she said.

Simon Jolin-Barrette, Quebec’s minister responsible for the French language and author of Bill 96, said the bill would not affect the ability of Indigenous people to maintain their languages.

“When I wrote the bill, it was always on my mind not to cause division and not to take out rights for the English communities and people who speak other languages,” he said. “It’s only about protecting French because we see that French is in decline.”

A Year of Pandemic Schooling Highlights Gaps in Education for English-Language Learners

Public Radio International (CA) (05/11/21) Contreras, Daisy

Remote learning has been especially hard on students for whom English is a second language. Now, more than a year into the pandemic, bilingual educators and schools are rethinking their approach when it comes to how to help these students and their families.

Veronica Alzaga remembers the difficult weeks her 12-year-old daughter, Marcela, had during virtual learning last year. She was about to finish fifth grade in Rogers, Arkansas, when the pandemic hit, forcing her to adapt to learning from home.

“There was a point where we were up until two in the morning trying to figure out how to complete assignments,” said Alzaga, whose primary language is Spanish. “Marcela would get headaches and cry through it all. It was tough, and I didn’t know how to help her.”

Alzaga said the school didn’t provide her with support—like tutoring or interpreting services—so she could help her daughter with schoolwork.

Across the U.S., a growing number of students in public schools are considered English-language learners (ELL). Like Marcela, these students speak a language other than English at home.

Even before the pandemic, ELL students could face an uphill battle at school with language and cultural barriers, said Christy Moreno, the Midwest representative for the National Parents Union, a nationwide network of education advocates.

“It’s been very challenging—the communications with schools and with teachers. Now, add to that the layer of parents who speak more than one language, or who are limited-English-proficient parents and families,” Moreno said. “The pandemic just made the academic gap worse.”

But some schools did adapt and saw new ways to help non-English-speaking parents.

Talia Halfon is a community liaison specialist at Kansas City International Academy, an elementary school. Once the school set up laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots for students at home, teachers there saw an opportunity to offer parents more resources, such as online English classes for the entire family.

“Before the pandemic, it wasn’t even a thought that we would be able to have virtual classes for families where we didn’t have to worry about childcare or how we were going to provide transportation for all of these families,” Halfon said.

“I think building these relationships has fostered a different type of communication between the school and families in a way that could potentially transform education in a really positive way,” Halfon said.

“The key is to ensure that communication exists in the first place,” said Daniel Velazquez, the English-learner program manager and family and community liaison at Ewing Marion Kauffman School in Kansas City, Missouri.

“I think the pandemic has made me realize that families are very powerful and can offer a lot of support, just as long as you are communicating with them in their home language,” he said.

A Digital Future for Icelandic

The Wall Street Journal (NY) (05/21/21) Bjarnason, Egil

So far, some 19,000 Icelanders, young and old, have contributed their voices to a database for speech-controlled technology. The effort, part of a wider $23 million plan funded by the Icelandic government, aims to secure a digital future for a language that is today spoken by fewer than 400,000 people.

Telma Brigisdottir, a middle-school teacher in suburban Iceland, arrived at her classroom this past March eager to introduce a new assignment and get her students involved in the project. She told students: “Turn on your iPad, log onto the website Samromur, and read aloud the text that appears on screen. Do this sentence after sentence after sentence, and something remarkable will happen.” The computer will learn to reply in Icelandic. Eventually.

The task sounded easy, even fun for a 10-year-old, but by reading aloud her students were performing a crucial historical rescue mission. They were helping to save Icelandic, a dialect of Old Norse, from “digital death.”

Many of Brigisdottir’s students dove into the lesson, continuing after school and through playtime. All together, they logged 130,000 sentences into a database for speech-controlled technology. This is the same technology that allows people to change channels on their television, for instance, without digging up the remote control, or to create automatic closed captioning for the deaf, or to direct their GPS without taking their hands off the wheel.

The students are both part of the solution and proof of the need for it. They’ve grown up online, using English, not Icelandic, to engage with technology and online entertainment. They begin using smartphones at a very young age and consume more media than the generations before them.

“Netflix is in English, computer games are in English, viral videos are in English—everything that is fun, in their world, is in English,” Brigisdottir said. “Knowing Icelandic has no use for them in these settings.”

The linguistic term for the situation Brigisdottir described is “digital minoritization,” and in Iceland it is cause for great concern. Despite or because of its remoteness, the country ranks first on the United Nations’ index of information technology use, with 99% of the population on the internet. The rising use of voice-controlled devices has been a special cause for alarm. Studies show that the interactive use of English tends to have far greater influence than passive exposure. Not being able to speak Icelandic to voice-activated mobile assistants like Siri and Alexa would be yet another lost field. If the language option arrives long after the technology itself, young people might not make the switch given their advanced English skills.

The University of Iceland recently completed a three-year survey of 5,000 people from age 3 to 98. They found that some of Iceland’s youngest children speak English without an Icelandic accent, and when speaking Icelandic, their syntax is influenced by English. Young people, particularly teenagers, were also more likely to have positive attitudes toward English. About a third claimed to speak English when conversations involved computer games, television, or simply “to tell a joke that sounded better in English.”

“The current moment is critical,” said Johanna Gudmundsdottir, who leads the research center Almannaromur with a team of 60 experts working on digital solutions.

Gudmundsdottir said the government plans to make the database available free of charge to developers worldwide. She said the good news is that Icelandic remains the bedrock of Iceland’s national identity. Surveys show that even among young people, an Iceland without the Icelandic language is impossible to fathom. In the end, the fight for a digital future for the language will eventually come down not to the technology itself but to its users.

This Senegalese Singer Is Fighting to Save His Language with Music

The Washington Post (DC) (05/07/21) Peyton, Nellie

Benoit Fader Keita, a videographer for a Senegalese news website, is writing and performing rap and reggae songs in Menik to encourage young people to speak his native language. If they do not, he fears the language may soon die out.

Menik is one of Senegal’s 25 recognized native languages, but one that had only about 3,000 speakers left at last count.

Keita said that when he was growing up, students were punished for speaking Menik. It was an effective way of ensuring children spoke French, Senegal’s official language, rather than their native languages. Today, speaking French is still seen as the passport to success. With his music, Keita hopes to emphasize to students that their native languages are just as important.

According to Keita, the strategy seems to be working. Keita said his popularity as a singer started to grow last year, after a New Year’s Eve concert in Bandafassi drew about 200 people. Some have found his music on Facebook, others on the radio or by word of mouth. Now children in the villages know all the words to his songs.

“Before, people were a bit insecure to speak Menik, but now they are proud,” he said.

“What Benoit is doing is very important because it influences the youth,” said Adjaratou Oumar Sall, a linguist at Dakar’s University of Cheikh Anta Diop.

To stop the erosion of smaller languages, many countries have integrated them into the public education system. Senegal has experimented with introducing national languages in schools but has never moved past pilot projects funded by foreign donors and nongovernmental groups.

“The state hopes to eventually make all primary schools bilingual,” said Ndeye Name Diouf, director of literacy and national languages at the Ministry of Education.

According to Diouf, the government is working on a linguistic policy document that would set the groundwork for this shift, but money and manpower are lacking. (The document has been in a draft stage since 2010.)

For Keita, what’s important is to pass on the baton. He was thrilled when a Bedik boy told him recently that he also wanted to be a singer.

“I told myself, maybe in five or 10 years, I won’t be able to succeed,” he said. “But someone else will.”

Hunter Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting

ATA News

ATA Remote Interpreting Position Paper: Call for Comments

The ATA Board of Directors has released a draft ATA Position Paper on Remote Interpreting. ATA members are invited and encouraged to read the draft, then tell us what works and what doesn’t. Use the link at the end of the document to provide your feedback.

The deadline for submitting comments is June 17, 2021.

All comments will be reviewed for possible incorporation into the final version. The final draft is expected to represent a consensus view of ATA’s position on remote interpreting. Your input is critical to making this happen.

What is a Position Paper?
A position paper is an official document representing a group’s viewpoint on a key issue. Typically, the paper will define the problem or controversy, then use facts and inductive reasoning to support a particular position or recommendation. The goal of a position paper is to convince an audience that a viewpoint is logical and valid.

Set the Record Straight
Last year’s pandemic lockdown created a demand for remote interpreting that the industry was not entirely ready for. In addition, the general public is not well informed about the skills and difficulties involved in providing interpreting services. Don’t miss this opportunity to help ATA establish a baseline understanding for the use of remote interpreting.

B2BB: Taking Charge of Your Style Set

Presenter: Karen Tkaczyk
Date: June 8, 2021
Time: 12 noon U.S. EDT
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Level: All
CE Points: None

Too often translators follow inconsistent, incorrect, or outdated usage and style in source texts instead of taking control and producing consistent translations that follow modern usage guidelines. Adopting a consistent style provides added value to clients, increasing the possibility of breaking into higher-paying segments of the translation market.

This webinar will teach you how to create a personal style set for any specific field, based upon essential resources such as standards, key industry organizations, and style guides. Using a reference like this quickly becomes routine and has the benefit of making you more of an authority and giving you the confidence to justify your choices to your clients, when necessary.

Click to learn more and register for this ATA Back to Business Basics webinar. Free, but space is limited.

Advocacy Call to Action in Pennsylvania

After several months of advocacy by the Tri-State Language Access Coalition (TSLAC), the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) has published new rules for court interpreter compensation.

There were some gains in changes made to the original proposal, such as an increase of $5 in the hourly rate for all classifications, a full day’s compensation for the cancellation of multi-day assignments, and time-and-a-half pay for remote assignments before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m. The trade-offs, however, are steep: compensation for travel expenses has been reduced from two hours each way to two hours round trip; there is a mandatory 45-minute time block without compensation between cases to “allow for a smooth transition between assignments”; the pay for remote interpreting is to be cut by 50%; interpreting from a car is prohibited; and there is no compensation for parking if any free lot is available within a five-block radius.

Want to learn more? Now is the time to speak up!
AOPC has given the translation and interpreting community until June 21 to comment on the proposed compensation package. Send your comments to with a copy to

The Time for School Outreach Is Now!

You may think this probably isn’t the best time to make a school outreach presentation, but you’d be wrong. Students have never been more aware of the importance of sharing information in a global community. They are ready to hear how translators and interpreters help the world communicate.

Get started here!
How Socially Distanced School Outreach Works
Listen to Episode 53 of The ATA Podcast to learn how ATA’s School Outreach Program has adapted to social distancing! Then watch the video to see how it’s done.

Middlebury Institute of International Studies

ATA 2021 Elections: Announcement of Candidates

ATA will hold its regularly scheduled elections at ATA’s 62nd Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to elect a president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and three directors.

The candidates proposed by the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee are:
    • President-elect (two-year term)
      Veronika Demichelis
      Geoff Koby

    • Secretary (two-year term)
      Alaina Brandt
      Cristina Helmerichs

    • Treasurer (two-year term)
      Ben Karl
      John Milan

  • Director (three positions, three-year terms)
    Robin Bonthrone
    Céline Browning
    Aaron Hebenstreit
    Manako Ihaya
    Meghan Konkol
    Carol Shaw
Additional nominations, supported by a written petition signed by no fewer than 60 Voting members and the nominee’s written acceptance statement, must be received by the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee by June 4. Acceptance statements and petitions should be submitted to Nominating and Leadership Development Committee Chair David Rumsey.

Candidate statements and photos will appear in the September/October issue of The ATA Chronicle and on ATA’s website.

Become an ATA Voting Member
ATA Associate Members who can demonstrate that they are professionally engaged in translation, interpreting, or closely related fields may apply for Voting Membership. How? Just complete and submit the ATA Active Membership Review application. No additional paperwork required. It’s fast, free, and easy!

The Fake Check Scam Is Back

The fake check scam is back! See the ATA Business Practices Community for details, if you’re an ATA member, or watch the free webinar Scams Targeting Language Professionals. Click the More link below for additional information and resources on ATA’s website.

ATA Members-Only Free Webinar

Don’t miss this month’s free ATA webinar. This is how your membership works for you!

Setting Up a Termbase: What Does It Take?
When you look at the time it takes to set up a termbase, you may doubt whether it’s worth it or not. Don’t! The payoff down the road is huge—you’ll ensure consistent terminology throughout your translation, avoid researching concepts over and over again, and increase your efficiency by tracking specific instructions from your clients. Terminology management is a classic “work smarter, not harder” technique!

Before you start, you’ll want to take time to learn everything you can about basic terminology management systems, from structure and data categories to needs analysis and free resources. This month’s ATA members-only free webinar is the right place to start!

AFTI Scholarships for the ATA62 Annual Conference

To help defray the costs of attending the ATA62 Annual Conference in person (Minneapolis, October 27-30), the American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation (AFTI) is offering a limited number of $500 scholarships to students and recent graduates of translation or interpreting studies and related fields. The program must be leading to an academic degree or certificate.

To be eligible, individuals must have never attended an ATA Annual Conference in person; attendees of the ATA61 virtual conference are eligible to apply.

Recent graduates must have completed their program within 12 months of the start date of the ATA62 Annual Conference (October 27-30, 2021).

How to Apply
You’ll find all the details and the application form on the AFTI website. The deadline to apply is July 31.

ATA Webinar: Introduction to Localization

Presenter: Alaina Brandt
Date: June 15
Time: 12 noon U.S. EDT
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Level: All
CE Points: 1 ATA-approved

Learn about the exciting field of localization and the skills needed to be successful!

Localization is the act of customizing language services and products to audiences who speak different languages. The strategies employed in localization are highly dependent on cultural, subject field, and textual/product expectations. Localization strategy is tailored to business goals in areas like sales, expansion, and growth. Localization work is performed in a dynamic environment of rapid technological advancements, ever-shifting regulations, and looming and unforeseen risks.

Join us to learn about opportunities in this exciting field and the skills needed to be a successful localizer. You will leave this session understanding that localization is anything but a one-size-fits-all approach.

What will you learn?
  1. Contemporary definitions for localization and quality in localization.
  2. The verticals, service types, and products encompassed by localization, along with the linguistic, technical, and quality planning that goes into producing localizations.
  3. About the variety of practitioners that collaborate to produce localization products and the competencies required for localization management roles.
  4. Best practices that should be incorporated into localization productions, such as defining expectations for work and managing terminology and intellectual property securely.
  5. Strategies for gauging the level of localization maturity in place at organizations so they can efficiently engage when working to take organizations to the next level.

Register now! ATA Member $45 | Non-Member $60

Tell a Friend: ATA Special Mid-Year Membership Rate

Limited time only! Translators and interpreters who join ATA during June can save 50% on their 2021 membership with payment of their 2022 dues. That’s a full 18 months! Installment plan available.

Sign Up for ATA’s Virtual Brainstorm Networking Event

Get ready! ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee is hosting its second virtual brainstorm networking event on Tuesday, June 29, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Join your colleagues for this fun, fast-paced hour of solving common business challenges in small teams. You’ll meet new people, learn business management skills you didn’t know you needed, and expand your support network, all while sharing your own experiences. Don’t miss it! Limited to ATA members. Registration is free.

International Translation Day Poster Competition

The International Federation of Translators (FIT) has announced a poster competition for International Translation Day 2021 (September 30). The theme is United in Translation. The competition is open to any professional designer—whether or not related to FIT. The design should pay tribute to the role of the translation and interpreting professions in uniting the world and ensuring the flow of information even when physical contact has been restricted.

In the May/June Issue of The ATA Chronicle

ATA’s Virtual Advocacy Trip to Capitol Hill
Every year, ATA lends its voice as one of the advocates from the language professions to meet with Congress and request legislation and funding in support of language education and industry priorities. This year, the Association had the opportunity to do so twice! (Caitilin Walsh)

ATA Member Orientation: A Bird’s-Eye View of All ATA Has to Offer
As an association with members around the globe and a wide variety of interest groups, programs, and events, ATA might seem like somewhat of a puzzle to members. That’s why ATA’s Membership Committee began to consider how it could offer an easy-to-digest snapshot of everything ATA offers so members could choose where to get involved and avoid feeling lost. Our answer: the ATA Member Orientation sessions! (Jamie Hartz, Meghan Konkol)

A Sense of Hope: Interpreters/Translators Share Their Vaccination Journey
As the vaccination distribution program kicks into high gear in the U.S., we asked interpreters and translators what getting vaccinated means to them both personally and professionally. We also asked them if the advocacy efforts of translator and interpreter organizations had an impact on their eligibility for early vaccination.

6 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Online Marketing Efforts
We’ve all been guilty of self-sabotage at some point during our entrepreneurial journey. We often make online marketing much harder than it really is. The stories we tell ourselves about why we can’t do something can cause us to stall our marketing efforts, whether we realize it at first or not. The key is to make your marketing feel like you. (Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo)

Getting Started with Terminology Management
Terminology management makes or breaks the success of globalization and localization efforts in terms of both budgets and sales. Despite its strategic value, however, many are unaware that terminology is key to producing solid, well-performing products. And once they are aware, many don’t know where to start. If you find yourself needing a little help in this area as well, then read on for some guidelines for getting started with terminology management. (Alaina Brandt)

Access to The ATA Chronicle’s searchable archives is available online! And don’t forget to check out the latest issue of the Chronicle Online.


News summaries © copyright 2021 SmithBucklin


June 1, 2021

Are you planning to attend the ATA62 Annual Conference in October?

See the Results!

Previous Poll Results

At what age do you expect to retire? 10% = 55-59
8% = 60-62
10% = 63-65
32% = 66-70
40% = > 70

In This Issue

Guide to Translation Career
Remote Interpreting Paper
Advocacy in Pennsylvania
ATA School Outreach
ATA 2021 Elections
Fake Check Scam
Free Members-Only Webinar
AFTI Scholarships
Webinar: Localization
Mid-Year Membership Rate
ITD Poster Competition
The ATA Chronicle

ATA Members Only

Free ATA Webinar!
Setting Up a Termbase: What Does It Take? Click to watch!

ATA Webinars

Back to Business Basics:
Taking Charge of Your Style Set

June 8
Registration open
(free to ATA members)

Introduction to Localization
June 15
Registration open

Calendar of Events

ATA Virtual Brainstorm Networking
June 29, 2021
Members only! Free registration!

Next ATA Board of Directors Meeting
August 7-8, 2021

ATA62 Annual Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota
October 27-30, 2021
Check out the website!

Advertise with ATA!
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