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Host(s): Matt Baird
Guest(s): Veronika Demichelis
Posted in Annual Conference, Business Strategies, Educators and Trainers, Growing Your Career, Member News, Networking, Specializations, Starting Your Career | September 8, 2022
Over 160 educational sessions, 15 Advanced Skills and Training Day (AST) courses, 30 subject- and language-specific tracks, industry leaders from around the world, and 1,500 translators, interpreters, students, educators, project managers, and language company owners—what more can you say about ATA's 63rd Annual Conference? Find out as ATA President-Elect and Conference Organizer Veronika Demichelis unpacks ATA63 from beginning to end in this blockbuster episode of The ATA Podcast!
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Production Credits
Audio Production: Derek Platts
Audio Production: Derek Platts
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