Computerized ATA Certification Exam Option Now Available at Select Sittings

Reblogged from The ATA Chronicle with permission (incl. the image)
ATA is now offering a computerized option for taking the certification exam at select sittings. Candidates will now be able to take the exam on their own laptops.
- May use most resources stored on their laptops, including dictionaries and glossaries.
- May use non-interactive Internet resources, such as online dictionaries and other reference material.
- May not use CAT tools or translation memories.
- May not use e-mail, chat rooms, forums, or MT tools such as Google Translate.
This is to ensure that the work is the translator’s own and that the carefully vetted exam passages are not shared.
How Does the Computerized Exam Work?
Candidates input their translations using WordPad (or TextEdit for Mac) onto an ATA-supplied USB drive, with grammar and spell check utilities disabled.
Signed Statement Required
Candidates who opt for the computerized format must sign a statement acknowledging that certain activities are prohibited during the sitting (e.g., use of e-mail and chat, copying the exam passages) and that they understand the consequences of noncompliance.
Candidates who violate the rules applicable to computerized sittings are likely to face restrictions on future certification eligibility and could face ATA ethics violation proceedings.
Information about the statement candidates will sign and the consequences of rules violations is available from ATA’s Certification Program manager.
For a description of the exam format, please see the certification exam overview.
Handwritten Exam Available
Candidates can also choose to handwrite their exam. All candidates may continue to bring and use any print resources they wish.
Exam Schedule
Sittings continue to be scheduled primarily through ATA chapters and affiliates as well as through other local groups.
Groups and individuals interested in hosting a sitting should contact ATA’s Certification Program manager to inquire about the physical and technical requirements needed to host a computerized sitting.
Several computerized sittings will take place in 2017, including at ATA’s 58th Annual Conference. See the schedule of upcoming sittings for the status of future examination sittings.
Do you provide a test for Thai language?
Hi Sonya, there are not currently any language combinations with Thai for the ATA Certification Exam.