Press Releases

Find recent news, announcements, and position statements from ATA.

Statement Opposing Discontinuing Immigration Interpreting Services

July 24, 2019

The American Translators Association (ATA) has issued a statement opposing the Department of Justice plan to discontinue in-person interpreting services at initial hearings for…

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ATA Advocates on Behalf of Interpreters: Statement Opposing Lower Interpreter Exam Scores in Texas

March 19, 2019

The American Translators Association (ATA) warned federal and state officials about the consequences of lowering their standards for providing professional interpreters. ATA Opposes Lower…

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ATA Cited in The Washington Post and The Hill

January 15, 2019

The Washington Post and The Hill cited the American Translators Association in articles concerning possible ethical issues if Congress subpoenas the U.S. interpreter who…

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ATA Celebrates International Translation Day 2018

September 30, 2018

The American Translators Association will celebrate International Translation Day on Friday, September 28. ATA is set to make this year’s International Translation Day all…

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ATA Position Paper on Machine Translation: A Clear Approach to a Complex Topic

August 14, 2018

ATA’s position on Machine Translation Machine translation is one of several valuable tools that translators can use to produce a professional translation. For reliable…

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ATA Members in The Boston Globe and The Daily Beast

March 15, 2018

The Boston Globe and The Daily Beast interviewed several members of the American Translators Association for articles concerning the possible summit meeting between U.S.…

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ATA Holds Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill

October 25, 2017

The American Translators Association (ATA), the nation’s largest professional organization for translators and interpreters, held its first Translation and Interpreting (T&I) Advocacy Day in…

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ATA President David Rumsey Featured on CNBC and PBS Nightly Business Report 

July 15, 2017

American Translators Association (ATA) President David Rumsey was featured on CNBC’s Where the Jobs Are series and the PBS Nightly Business Report. The news…

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ATA Statement Regarding President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration Nightly Business Report

January 22, 2017

As the voice of over 10,000 interpreters and translators in the United States and abroad, the American Translators Association is very concerned about President…

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Are You a Member of the Media?

Contact ATA for industry insights and responses to current affairs involving the translation and interpreting professions.

Media Contact

Adrian Aleckna, ATA Interim Executive Director
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3019 |

What is the American Translators Association?

Founded in 1959, ATA is the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the world with thousands of language experts in more than 100 countries.

ATA’s mission is to promote the recognition of professional translators and interpreters, to facilitate communication among its members, to establish standards of competence and ethics, to provide its members with professional development opportunities, and to advocate on behalf of the profession.

What’s a translator?
What’s an interpreter?
What’s the difference?

ATA answers the frequently asked questions and provides some key talking points.

Understanding what’s at stake

Translation and interpreting mistakes can be costly, even disastrous. It is critical to hire qualified translators and interpreters. ATA can help you find the right professional.

Video Library

ATA offers a library of videos that highlight its many events, programs, and member benefits. Watch them all!

ATA 66th Annual Conference: Get Ready!

No matter what your language, specialty, or experience level, you’ll discover ways to enhance your translation and interpreting skills and grow your business. Get a glimpse of ATA66 in Boston, October 22-25, 2025.

ATA 65th Annual Conference: Highlights

The ATA 65th Annual Conference was held in Portland, Oregon, from October 30-November 2, 2024. Relive ATA65 with event highlights and stories from attendees about their experience!

ATA 65th Annual Conference: Get Ready!

No matter what your language, specialty, or experience level, you’ll discover ways to enhance your translation and interpreting skills and grow your business. Get a glimpse of ATA65 in Portland, Oregon from October 30-November 2, 2024.

ATA 64th Annual Conference: Highlights

The ATA 64th Annual Conference was held in Miami, Florida from October 25-28, 2023. Relive ATA64 with event highlights and stories from attendees about their experience!

Public Outreach

The importance of professional translation and interpreting is often not understood by the general public. As part of an ongoing outreach campaign, ATA provides for-publication content to spread insight to a wide range of readers.

Communiquer pour sauver des vies : une table ronde vitale et gratuite concernant les services linguistiques lors d’interventions d’urgence

English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Quand : 27 février, 12h00 – 13h30 HNE | Événement virtuel Dans les moments critiques où des vies sont en jeu une communication claire et efficace peut faire la différence entre le chaos et une avancée. L’Association des Traducteurs Américains (ATA) invite les professionnels des services d’urgence,…

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Comunicación que salva vidas: una mesa redonda gratuita e imprescindible sobre los servicios lingüísticos de respuesta ante emergencias

English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Cuándo: 27 de febrero, de 12:00 p. m. a 1:30 p. m. hora del este | Evento virtual En momentos críticos, cuando hay vidas en juego, una comunicación clara e inmediata puede marcar la diferencia entre el caos y las soluciones. La American Translators Association (ATA) invita a profesionales de respuesta…

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Lifesaving Communication: A Free Vital Roundtable on Emergency Response Language Services

English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt When: February 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST | Virtual Event In critical moments when lives are on the line, clear and immediate communication can mean the difference between chaos and resolution. The American Translators Association (ATA) invites professionals across emergency response, crisis management, law enforcement,…

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Truyền đạt về Cứu sinh: Buổi Tọa đàm Quan trọng Miễn phí về Dịch vụ Ngôn ngữ trong Ứng phó Khẩn cấp

English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Thời gian: Ngày 27 tháng 2, 12:00 trưa – 1:30 chiều EST | Sự kiện Trực tuyến Trong những thời khắc nguy cấp khi sinh mạng con người đang bị đe dọa, giao tiếp rõ ràng và kịp thời có thể tạo ra khác biệt giữa sự…

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How to Translate Your Website: 3 Key Considerations

You’ve launched a website for your business or organization. Congratulations! Now, what next? If you want to reach an even wider audience for your website, consider translating it into a different language. Did you know that translating your website into another language can help you attract even more website visitors from all over the globe?…

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How to Recognize and Implement Quality Interpreting (Hint: It Doesn’t Involve Your Bilingual Staff)

With a set of quality standards in place, it is possible to make healthcare accessible to limited English proficiency individuals without delaying patient care or interrupting your workflow. As many as 1 in 10 working-age adults in the U.S. has limited English proficiency (LEP). Let alone the personal employment and economic implications of this reality,…

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Machine Translation vs. Human Translation: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the World’s Second Oldest Profession?

Translators pride themselves on being excellent communicators, and so they should. After all, it’s their job! But sometimes, even the best communicators can talk until they’re blue in the face and still have not really communicated what needs to be said for lack of common ground with their audience. That’s exactly what happened in the…

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Breaking Intercultural Communication Barriers in Business

Have you ever sensed that you offended someone in a work setting without understanding why? Or have you ever worked with someone from another culture and found their behavior confusing, or even rude? When different cultures are involved, these types of misunderstandings are common. And in today’s globalized business landscape, you’re likely to frequently interact…

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7 Tips for Crushing an International Meeting Remotely, According to an Interpreter

As millions around the globe have moved their classes and even social gatherings online, international business and meetings between speakers of different languages look a lot different. In a pre-pandemic world, along with thousands of other professional language interpreters across the globe, I facilitated in-person multilingual interactions with regularity. Now, with a few adjustments, we…

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How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Free Online Translation Tools

Ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, Chinese authorities conducted a city-wide correction campaign to fix embarrassing translation gaffes. The mistranslations included signs labeling people with disabilities as “deformed” and wet-floor warnings advising to “slip carefully!” While the press had a field day with the story, many translators were left shaking their heads. Why?…

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Are You a Member of the Media?

Contact ATA for industry insights and responses to current affairs involving the translation and interpreting professions.

Media Contact

Adrian Aleckna, ATA Interim Executive Director
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3019 |