Standing from left: Directors Faiza Sultan, Frieda Ruppaner-Lind, Geoff Koby, Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo, Melinda Gonzalez-Hibner, Tony Guerra, Evelyn Yang Garland, and Cristina Helmerichs. Seated from left: Secretary Karen Tkaczyk, President Corinne McKay, Past President Ann Macfarlane, President-Elect Ted Wozniak, and Treasurer John Milan. (Not pictured: Director Elena Langdon)
The American Translators Association’s Board of Directors met August 4–5, 2018, in Portland, Oregon. Here are some highlights from the Board meeting.
Final Budget: The Board approved the July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019 final budget and the 2019–2021 draft budgets. The approved budget is $3.24 million. This compares to last year’s budget of $3.31 million. The difference is due to a projected smaller Annual Conference than last year’s in Washington, DC.
Audiovisual Division: The Board approved the establishment of the Audiovisual Division (AVD). AVD will work to create a community to support and mentor audiovisual linguists and to build bridges between translators and interpreters and media content creators. The Board also approved the appointments of Deborah Wexler as acting administrator and Ana Salotti as acting assistant administrator until the AVD election in October 2019. You can join AVD and any of the other 21 divisions anytime by going to your membership account. (And, just a reminder that division memberships are included in your ATA dues, so there is no extra charge for joining.)
Proposed Bylaws Amendment. The Board approved presenting a proposed bylaws amendment to the membership for their approval. The proposed change is to increase the number of signatories required to establish a division to 150. The current number required (20) has been in place for decades and was established when ATA was much smaller. This proposed bylaws amendment will be on the ballot this fall. The elections will be held October 25 at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members—also known as the Presentation of Candidates and Election—in conjunction with the Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Please see page 7 of this issue for more information on the proposed bylaws revisions and the candidate statements.)
Date of Record: The Board set September 24, 2018, as the date of record for the 2018 elections. This means that if you want to participate in this year’s elections you need to be a voting member by September 24. There are two ways to become a voting member: pass the certification exam or apply through the online Active Membership Review process.
The Board meeting summary and minutes will be posted online once they are approved. Past meeting summaries and minutes are always posted online. The next Board meeting is set for October 27–28, 2018, in conjunction with ATA’s Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. As always, the meeting is open to all members, and members are encouraged to attend.
Join ATA in celebrating International Translation Day with a social media blitz on September 28! You’ll find posts, tweets, and downloadable infographics to share. Look for #InternationalTranslationDay and #ataitd2018! Learn more about International Translation Day
Get top-level learning delivered right to you through ATA’s webinar series. Two new webinars have been scheduled:
- Find and Keep Your Best Clients Using the 80/20 Principle (October 2)
- Building Entrepreneurial Skills for Interpreters and Translators (October 10)
ATA members get a 25% discount. Sign up today!