The ATA Board of Directors met October 28–29, 2017 in conjunction with the Annual Conference in Washington, DC. Here are some highlights from the meeting.
Welcome: President Corinne McKay welcomed the new Board of Directors, including President-elect Ted Wozniak, Secretary Karen Tkaczyk, Treasurer John Milan, and Directors Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo (re-elected), Geoff Koby (re-elected), and Elena Langdon. In addition, Tony Guerra was appointed to fill the director vacancy created with Karen Tkaczyk’s election to secretary. (Tony will serve until the October 2018 election.) They join Evelyn Yang Garland, Melinda González-Hibner, Cristina Helmerichs, Frieda Ruppaner-Lind, and Faiza Sultan.
New Certification Exams: The Board approved the Certification Committee’s request to add English into Arabic and Chinese [simplified and traditional] into English to the program. The addition of these language pairs is the result of the efforts of two groups of dedicated volunteers. The English into Arabic work group was led by Elias Shakkour and the Chinese into English group was led by Jim Jones and Doug McNeal. The Certification Program now offers testing in 30 language combinations.
Appointments: The Board approved the following committee appointments:
- Ethics Committee: Jill Sommer (chair) and members Jennifer Guernsey and Tricia Perry
- Finance and Audit Committee: John Milan (chair), Corinne McKay, Ted Wozniak, Karen Tkaczyk, Evelyn Yang Garland, and Geoff Koby
- Governance and Communications Committee: Ted Wozniak (chair)
- Government Relations Committee: Corinne McKay (chair)
- Nominating and Leadership Development Committee: David Rumsey
Website: Ad Hoc Website Committee Chair Karen Tkaczyk briefed the Board on the committee’s evaluation of the current website and plans for building a new site. The website development will be a top priority for 2018.
Public Relations: Public Relations Committee Chair Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo updated the Board on the committee’s activities, including the articles written by the Writers Group that have been published in over 50 trade and business publications. She also reported on the wide range of speaking engagements by ATA volunteers since the last Board meeting.
The Board meeting summary is posted online. The minutes will be posted once they are approved at the next Board meeting. Past meeting summaries and minutes are also posted online at The next Board meeting will take place in Miami, Florida, January 20–21, 2018. As always, the meeting is open to all members, and members are encouraged to attend.
Be Sure to RenewMembership renewals have been mailed. It’s easy to renew online, if you prefer. Just go to (Renew your Active, Corresponding, or Associate membership for three years for $510 and save $75!) Thank you for your support and membership in 2017. We look forward to serving you in 2018! |