Stephanie Tramdack Cash
The following contains excerpts that appeared in the December 20 edition of the Cape May County Herald (http://bit.ly/Cash-tribute).
Stephanie Tramdack Cash, 66, of Cape May Court House, New Jersey, died December 14, 2017.
Stephanie began her professional career as a financial analyst with Delaware Investment Advisers in Philadelphia. She worked as a program manager with the Scherman Foundation and as a portfolio manager with Scudder, Stevens & Clark, both in New York. She then moved to Montreal, Canada, where she worked as a portfolio manager with Bolton Tremblay, Inc., and then as an institutional portfolio strategist for McNeil, Mantha Inc. and Lévesque, Beaubien, and Geoffrion. She was certified as a Chartered Financial Analyst. Since 2004, Stephanie worked as a freelance French>English translator of financial, energy, and maritime documents for international clients.
Stephanie’s contributions to ATA were numerous. She served as chair of ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee and as co-moderator of ATA’s Business Practices Listserve. She also helped develop The ATA Guide to a Translation Services Agreement. As a member of ATA’s Public Relations Committee, she worked on its Writers Group, contributing articles to trade publications to educate the general public and business community about who translators and interpreters are and what they do. She also helped develop ATA’s Client Outreach Kit. She led the “Stretch, Breathe, and Move” session at ATA Annual Conferences for many years. She was also an active member of ATA’s French Language Division and the Delaware Valley Translators Association.
Lee Chadeayne
Lee Chadeayne, 83, a freelance translator and editor, former university professor, and business owner, died in Boston on March 25, 2017. Lee had been a member of ATA since 1970. An ATA-certified translator (German<>English, French>English), he served as editor of The ATA Chronicle in 1993.
Born in White Plains, New York, December 22, 1933, Lee was the son of Leander F. and Marie E. (Jessen) Chadeayne. He earned a BS in German from Columbia University in 1959 and an MA in foreign languages from Ohio State University in 1966. He was a professor of German and French at Ohio State University, Boston University, and Northeastern University. After his retirement from teaching, he founded Wordnet, Inc. in 1975. Lee was a charter member of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), where he was the editor of ALTA News (2006–2008). In recent years, Lee worked as a freelance editor and translator for Amazon Publishing. His translation credits for Amazon include The Hangman’s Daughter and The Dark Monk, both by Oliver Pötzsch. In addition to his translation work for Amazon, Lee was a copyeditor for the American Arthritis Society newsletter.
His daughter, Marie E. Chafe, shared the following story concerning the photo above. “While we were on vacation, we stepped into a bookstore and found one of his translated books (The Dark Monk) on the shelves. It was the first time we came across one of his works—and far from home, too. He was delighted!”