Happy New Year! We have entered a new year, one where new initiatives, new goals, and new ideas will take shape as the seasons change. At the time I’m writing this, more than half of you have renewed your ATA membership for 2023. Thank you for renewing your commitment, dedication, and support of the T&I industry as we move into the new year!
In the final issue of Newsbriefs for 2022, the year-end recap highlighted the many accomplishments of our committees, divisions, and chapters, as well as all that ATA accomplished throughout the year. Hats off to you, our members, for leading ATA to new heights! More than 2,000 members completed the 2022 Membership Survey. Your responses will help us create new and improved member products and services while enhancing the overall ATA member experience.
And speaking of membership services, many of you may have more than one membership in an industry-related association. In the past two years, you may have been faced with making a decision to renew or not renew certain association memberships…and when it comes to your ATA membership, you may be asking yourself “What’s in it for me?” Let’s take a look at some of the unique benefits of ATA membership:
Online Language Services Directory: The online directory markets your services 24/7/365, including expanded options for interpreter services. (Be sure to keep your profile up to date.)
ATA’s Annual Conference: Members receive discounted registration rates to the Association’s premier event, offering numerous opportunities to network, gain continuing education, and take advantage of career services. (We’ll be rolling out some new programs in 2023 at ATA64. For details, see President-Elect and Conference Organizer Veronika Demichelis’ column later in this issue!)
Support of the T&I Industry through ATA’s Advocacy Efforts: Watch the free webinar Successful Advocacy for Translators and Interpreters to learn how you can make your voice heard, and be sure to bookmark ATA’s Advocacy and Outreach web page.
Client Outreach Kit: The Client Outreach Kit is a tool you can use to educate clients about language services. It was developed as a member benefit and is free to ATA members.
Member Discounts on Professional Services: ATA members save on financial services, liability insurance, software, training programs, educational courses, and more.
Member Discounts on ATA’s Webinar Series: Save on all webinars, plus receive one free each month!
Join one (or more!) of ATA’s 22 Divisions: To succeed in today’s competitive economy, you need specialized knowledge and an inside track. Being a member of an ATA division is a great way to meet these practical needs of your business!
ATA Online Communities and Blogs: Stay abreast of important developments/challenges pertinent to T&I professionals through resources such as posts on ATA’s Business Practices Listserv, The Next Level and The ATA Compass blogs, and listening to The ATA Podcast.
Access to Member-Only Publications: Members receive Newsbriefs, a biweekly e-newsletter covering all things ATA, translation, and interpreting, as well as online access to ATA’s flagship publication, The ATA Chronicle, a bimonthly magazine offering resources and practical solutions to the challenges facing T&I professionals.
Complimentary Member Access to the ATA Compensation Survey: Released in early 2022—and available exclusively to ATA members at no cost—the sixth edition of the ATA Compensation Survey documents income and pay rate data by profession, employment status, and languages. In addition, respondent profiles include specialties, education, business structures, pricing structures, services provided, client mix, and more.
ATA Certification: Passing ATA’s certification exam can open doors to career advancement and higher compensation. (An on-demand option allows members to take the exam from their home or office at the time of their choosing.)
As you can see, membership has its privileges and now is the perfect time to renew your membership!
Listening Tour: Call for Volunteers
I mentioned in my last column that I would be on a “listening tour.” While that tour started at ATA63 in Los Angeles, it will make many stops along the way during this first year as your new executive director. My priority is in the strategic goals and initiatives set by ATA’s Board of Directors, and my primary goal will be getting to know more members by sitting in on committee calls and listening to what you, the members, want to see in 2023. I invite you to email me with your ideas.
One thing I’ve heard continuously over the past two months is the need for more volunteer engagement. Our volunteer leadership are the eyes and ears of everything we do at ATA Headquarters, and without you we cannot make ATA as successful as we know it can be. So, this is my official Call for Volunteers! Take full advantage of your ATA membership by sharing your gifts and talents through committee/division engagement. Have you made your new year’s resolution yet? Well, instead of making a resolution, why not just try something new? I challenge each member to commit to one new thing in 2023. Pick a committee you would like to join or an initiative that may be of interest to you. Submit an article for consideration to an ATA publication, or commit to attending ATA64 and bringing a potential member. Tell a friend about your ATA membership experience and the true value it provides to those in our industry as well as those considering T&I as a career. Why make a resolution you may not keep? Let’s do something new and get engaged!
Learn More about What ATA Offers!
Watch “Five Reasons to Join ATA” on the Member Center Page of ATA’s website.
ATA Member Benefits Page
ATA Member Discounts
ATA Advocacy and Outreach Page (Be sure to check out ATA’s free webinar, Successful Advocacy for Translators and Interpreters.)
ATA64 Annual Conference (Miami, October 25–28, 2023)
ATA Certification Program
ATA Client Outreach Kit
ATA Compensation Survey (Free to ATA Members)
ATA Webinar Series
The ATA Podcast
Next Level Blog (The ATA Business Practices Blog)