The ATA Board of Directors has released a draft ATA Position Paper on Remote Interpreting. ATA members are invited and encouraged to read the draft, then tell us what works and what doesn’t. Use the link at the end of the document to provide your feedback.
The deadline for submitting comments is June 17, 2021.
All comments will be reviewed for possible incorporation into the final version. The final draft is expected to represent a consensus view of ATA’s position on remote interpreting. Your input is critical to making this happen.
What is a Position Paper?
A position paper is an official document representing a group’s viewpoint on a key issue. Typically the paper will define the problem or controversy, then use facts and inductive reasoning to support a particular position or recommendation. The goal of a position paper is to convince an audience that a viewpoint is logical and valid.
Position Paper or White Paper?
They are not the same. A white paper provides general information about a topic; a position paper expresses a particular viewpoint on an issue.
Set the Record Straight
Last year’s pandemic lockdown created a demand for remote interpreting that the industry was not entirely ready for. In addition, the general public is not well informed about the skills and difficulties involved in providing interpreting services. Don’t miss this opportunity to help ATA establish a baseline understanding for the use of remote interpreting.