From the Executive Director
Walter Bacak, CAE
The American Translators Association’s Board of Directors met January 30–31, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting followed the Board’s Annual Study Day.
The Annual Study Day sets aside time for the Board to discuss various aspects of the Association’s activities and governance in-depth. The Study Day is coordinated and led by ATA’s president-elect, who, by office, is the chair of the Governance and Communications Committee. This year, President-elect Corinne McKay guided the Board through several roundtable discussions and scenarios. Treasurer Ted Wozniak also presented an overview of ATA’s finances. The Board closed out the day’s activities with a discussion of “what if” financial scenarios. The Study Day discussions do not necessarily lead to concrete action plans, but they do help the Board come to a consensus on issues that serve as the foundation for working through complex options for the Association.
Here are some highlights from the Board meeting.
- ATA Antitrust Compliance Policy: The Board approved an ATA Antitrust Compliance Policy to replace the guidelines approved by ATA’s Board in 1990. That document had been created in response to inquiries from the Federal Trade Commission. The new policy will be accompanied by a commentary providing practical guidance for compliance with antitrust laws and regulations.
- 2020 Annual Conference: The Board approved Boston as the site for the 2020 ATA Annual Conference. A contract for the host hotel is under negotiation. The Board will finalize the hotel selection at the next Board meeting.
- Dutch Language Division: The Board approved the establishment of the Dutch Language Division. DLD is ATA’s 20th division. At the same time, the Board approved the appointments of Leo van Zanten as the acting administrator and Marjon van den Bosch as the acting assistant administrator.
- Ethics Committee: The Board approved the appointment of Ted Wozniak as chair of the Ethics Committee. He replaces Rudy Heller, who has resigned for health reasons. Rudy will continue in his role of ATA secretary. Ted, who is a current member of the Ethics Committee, also serves as ATA’s treasurer.
- American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation: The Board approved the appointment of the Board of the American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation. AFTI is ATA’s charitable organization. The following individuals serve on AFTI’s Board: Marian S. Greenfield (president), Caitilin Walsh (vice-president), Jiri Stejskal (treasurer), Glenn Nordin (director), Dorothee Racette (director), and David Rumsey (director).
ATA Board Meeting Summary
The Board meeting summary and minutes will be posted online once they are approved. Past meeting summaries and minutes are available in the Members Only area of ATA’s website. The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 30–May 1, 2016 in Alexandria, Virginia. As always, the meeting is open to all members. We encourage members to attend.