ATA member Molly Yurick, a Spanish>English translator based in Oviedo, Spain, won a free registration to ATA’s 56th Annual Conference in Miami, Florida.
Molly won the contest for the photo taken during her visit to the Instituto de Educación Secundaria Cuenca del Nalón in Asturias, Spain, to speak to students in the English/Spanish bilingual program. “The specific class I visited had students from all over the world,” Molly said.
Molly engaged the students in a discussion of the risks of using free online translation platforms (such as Google Translate) and the importance of using human translators. “At the end of the class, one student confessed that he was now thinking of becoming a translator. That was a great feeling!”
Molly’s winning photograph was captured after a hands-on translation activity with the students. With assistance from Molly and the teacher, each student translated “My name is …” into their native language and wrote the translation onto a colorful speech balloon. The multilingual speech balloons seen in Molly’s photo include Spanish, Asturian, Romanian, French, Arabic, and Russian.
Molly is thrilled to be attending ATA’s 56th Annual Conference. “Miami will be my first conference, and this will make the experience even more memorable,” she said. Meghan McCallum is the coordinator of ATA’s School Outreach Program.
Meghan McCallum is the coordinator of ATA’s School Outreach Program.
The 2015–2016 School Outreach Contest is now open! The winner will receive a free registration to ATA’s 57th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, November 2–5, 2016. Visit www.atanet.org/ata_school/school_outreach_contest.php. |