New ATA Professional Liability Insurance Broker
Alliant is the new broker for ATA-sponsored professional liability insurance. The underwriter is still Lloyds of London. All policies remain in effect and unchanged.
Why choose the ATA-sponsored professional liability insurance?
The policy is specific to the translation and interpreting professions. This is not a one-size-fits-all plan, but a plan that is specific to the work you do.
What does the ATA-sponsored professional liability insurance cover?
- Broad definition of translation/interpreting services: Covers activities relevant to a translator or interpreter, including editing, publishing, and proofreading.
- Coverage for contingent bodily injury and/or property damages: Covers errors in providing translation/interpreting services that result in bodily injury and/or property damage. These types of claims are typically excluded by generic professional liability policies.
- Coverage for cyber liability, including HIPPA and HITECH breaches: Covers breaches related to the provision of professional services in violation or breach of the HIPPA and HITECH Acts.
Visit ata.alliant.com for additional information.
Questions? Contact Alliant toll-free at +1-703-547-5777 or email ata-questions@alliant.com.
Upcoming ATA Webinars for 2017
January 31, 2017
Entering the Changing Interpreting Market
Time: 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern Standard
Registration: FREE
February 7, 2017
Spreading Your Wings: Transitioning from Classroom to Career in Translation?
Time: 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern Standard
Registration: FREE
February 9, 2017
Specialization: Why and How, and What’s the Big Deal?
Time: 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern Standard
Registration: ATA Member: $45 Non-Member $60
March 21, 2017
Creating a Website for Your Freelance Business
Time: 12:00 noon Daylight Saving Time
Registration: ATA Member: $45 Non-Member $60
Online and on demand! Strengthen your skills and expertise with the education you need when you need it. Effective and affordable, more than 60 ATA webinars are available for streaming 24/7. Check out the complete library at www.atanet.org/webinars.
Can’t attend? Register for the webinar now and a link to the recorded version will be sent to you after the live event!