The ATA Compensation Survey is now available exclusively to ATA members for free.
In 2021, ATA invited translators, interpreters, and T&I company owners in the U.S. to participate in a compensation survey. This industrywide survey was designed to capture a comprehensive picture of the market for T&I services.
The report created from this survey represents the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date income and pay rate data on the translation and interpreting professions. The results are invaluable in managing a T&I business and planning for the future.
The report documents income and pay rate data by profession, employment status, and languages. In addition, respondent profiles include specialties, education, business structures, pricing structures, services provided, client mix, and more. For interpreters, there’s a breakout by delivery modes and credentials. For translators, the use of CAT tools and post-editing services are reported.
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