From the President
Corinne McKay
Twitter: @corinnemckay
If you’re receiving this issue of The ATA Chronicle, it means that you’ve renewed your ATA membership for 2018. Thank you! ATA would not be “the voice of interpreters and translators” without every one of our 10,500+ members. Since my term as ATA president began, I’ve been trying to spread the word about the many benefits of being an ATA member, including some “hidden” benefits that you may not yet be taking advantage of. Here’s my 2018 checklist for making the most of your ATA membership:
Directory Profile
If you don’t have a listing in our online directory, create one today. If you do have a listing, review it at least once a year. Add new accomplishments and specializations, and make sure that your contact information is up to date. Remember that our new directory format allows you to upload your résumé and a photo if you wish.
ATA certification enhances your professional status and—according to our most recent compensation survey—helps you earn more money. With the price of ATA’s certification exam set to go up significantly in 2019—in order to bring the Certification Program’s revenue closer to our expenses—2018 is a great year to set a goal of becoming ATA-certified.
Credentialed Interpreter Designation
What if you’re an interpreter and not interested in translator certification? For you, we have the CI (Credentialed Interpreter) designation, a recent addition to our directory profile options. If you are credentialed as a legal, medical, or conference interpreter by an ATA-approved credentialing entity, apply for CI status today!
The ATA Chronicle
You’re taking advantage of a key member benefit right now by reading The ATA Chronicle, our flagship publication and winner of the International Federation of Translators’ 2017 award for Best Periodical. Remember that you can now choose whether to receive The ATA Chronicle in electronic form, print form, or both.
Membership in any of ATA’s 20 divisions is included in your membership. Our divisions—focused on languages, specializations, and areas of practice—serve as a place for members to land within our large association. Membership in a division allows you to connect with like-minded colleagues on email lists, social media groups, and in person. To view a list of ATA’s divisions and learn how to join them, see the link listed above.
ATA is your source for professional development specific to the translation and interpreting professions. One of my favorite ATA resources is our extensive library of pre-recorded webinars, available on-demand on ATA’s website at a discounted price for our members. From translation memory software to endocrinology to the 21st-century interpreting market, we have a webinar—professional development that comes to you—for nearly any topic you would want to learn about.
Member Discounts
We also offer a variety of discounts on professional services for our members, including:
- The ATA member-provider program, featuring discounts on products and services offered by ATA members, for ATA members
- Membership in the Organization of American States Staff Federal Credit Union
- Discounted UPS express delivery services
- Collections and accounts receivable services
- Discounted credit card processing services
- Professional liability insurance through Alliant, a Lloyd’s of London underwriter
You make a significant investment in your ATA membership—make sure that you’re taking advantage of all that we have to offer. If you feel that ATA membership is an asset to you as a language professional, tell a colleague who isn’t yet an ATA member. And if you have suggestions about how we can better meet your needs in the future, tell me! I’m always eager for your feedback at president@atanet.org.